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If it is cow's milk, it could make the kitten sick. Some cats are lactose intolerant and such a young kitten getting diarrhoea can quickly leave it severely dehydrated with can become fatal in a matter of days.

Specially formulated kitten milk that are found in most stores are perfectly safe for kittens and adults to drink as a treat.

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Why does a 6 week old kitten have diarrhea?

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NO! Cats are lactose intolerant and "real" milk will cause LOTS of dogestive issues, especially in young kittens. You need to be bottle feeding the kitten KMR (kitten milk replacement).

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The first thing you need to do is to take it to a vet. There are many causes of diarrhoea, and some are potentially fatal. It's better to have the kitten treated properly. In the meantime, avoid giving it any milk or wet food products.

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Maybe, it should be ready for solid food though.

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The queen's milk should dry up within a week or so after the last kitten stopped nursing.

Can you feed a 3 week old kitten buttermilk if the mom is not feeding it?

All cow's milk is not good for animals including buttermilk. Will cause diarrhea and is of no health benefit. You need to find a formula such as esbilac to replace the Mother's milk. Get a bottle too, can find them in the pet stores and feed the kitten about every 3 hours. In about another week, you can start to add softened kitten dry food, but soak it first until soft. Pour some of the esbilac on top of the kitten food. Offer that to your kitten and she or he will start to chow down on that. You can switch to dry kitten food completely at about 5 weeks of age.

Why does your 5 week old kitten keep throwing up after drinking cat milk and or soft food?

It could be allergies - see your vet.

Is it ok to feed a week old kitten skim milk if his mother has abandoned him?

Not unless you want him to have diarrhea. Cats cannot digest cows' milk properly. There is milk in the cat food section at grocery stores that you can give them.

What is a healthy weight for 5 week kitten?

I have a 5 week old kitten that my fiancée and I rescued and he's healthy at 1.3lbs

What do you need for a 4 or 5 week old kitten without a mom?

Kittens can be safely weaned after 4 weeks, so it would not hurt it at all. Be sure to feed kitten food, and cat milk from the pet store. Do not give cows milk, as cats cannot digest the proteins, and will give cat diarrhea

What is best to feed a 5 week old kitten?

there are spacial kitten foods.