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Q: Is gluteus medius antagonist to gluteus maximus?
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What is the muscle that holds the gluteus maximus called?

Gluteus Medius

Into which gluteal muscle do you insert the needle for an intramuscular (IM) injection?

Gluteus medius and Gluteus maximus

Is the gluteus maximus the largest of the gluteus muscles in the cat?

The largest gluteal muscle in the cat is the gluteus medius as opposed to the misconception that it is the gluteus maximus. Though the gluteus maximus is very large in humans, this muscle is found to be small in the cat.

What a thigh muscle moves?

The "glutes" including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae

What is gluteus maximum?

There are three primary muscles that make up the muscular (not fat) tissue of your butt; the gluteus maximus, the gluteus, medius, and the gluteus minimus. As you might have guessed, the gluteus maximus muscle is the largest of the three.

What is the antagonist muscle of the ilipsoas?

Gluteus Maximus

What is antagonist when Agonist is Iliopsoas?

gluteus maximus

What is the antagonist to Psoas major?

gluteus maximus

Major muscle that forms the buttocks?

The gluteal muscles (butt muscles) are a group of four muscles. Three of these muscles make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle. The fourth and smallest of the muscles is the tensor fasciae latae muscle.

What are some parts of the body that begin with the letter G?

Gallbladder Gonads Gums Gluteus Maximus Gullet Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Gastrointestinal tract

What is antagonist for hip extension?

hip extensor, gluteus maximus

Commonly used for intramuscular injections?

Deltoid, Vastus Lateralis, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus