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Hillary Clinton is a moderately conservative Democrat who firmly believes in America's economic model as it now is. Her plans - and even Bernie Sanders' plans - would never be considered 'left wing' by die-hard socialists in Europe or elsewhere. Bernie would be considered at best moderately left-wing, and Hilary's ideas - even after her recent shift - still right-of-center.

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8y ago

Assuming that the definition of "true socialist" is someone who believes in the same policies as Bernie Sanders does (since there are different definitions in different countries), then Hillary Clinton is not a "true socialist". She has typically been a conservative Democrat, which would make here more-or-less equivalent to a European Conservative, but still left-of-center in US politics. Hillary realizes that Bernie Sanders has shifted the Democratic party more to the left and, therefore, has shifted her policies more to the left in order to capture the changes in the electorate, but it is not her traditional position.

This Saturday Night Live sketch pokes fun at this shift in Hillary Clinton's attitudes.

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