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Hello, It can be yes. But a sharp pain is not a pregnancy symptom.

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Q: Is it a symptom of pregnancy if your breasts have a throbbing pain that comes and goes?
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Does sucking breasts cause pregnancy?

What?! Of course not unless your sperm magically comes in your mouth through her breasts and then somehow fertilizes the egg which is sealed and safe. No

What does hardening of breasts in late pregnancy indicate?

It can indicate that your breasts are filling up with colostrum the first milk that comes in after you have your baby!!! If you are worried about anything ask your doctor or midwife.

At what stage do breasts get tender in pregnancy?

Breasts can get tender anytime during pregnancy, sometimes acting as the first sign of pregnancy like in my case, or they may not get sore until 8 or 9 months or after delivery when your milk comes in. Everyone's different, my SIL's thought I was crazy when I told them how sore my breasts were at 6 weeks because they didn't get sore until 7 or 8 months.

What week of pregnancy milk will come in?

Milk comes closer to the end, a few weeks before labor, your breasts will produce milk.

What does it mean when you have sharp pains in your breasts?

This is one of those questions where you really need to see a doctor for the answer. Sharp pains ANYWHERE on your body are not good sign. And no one is going to be able to diagnose you with just one symptom, such as sharp pain. If you're looking for someone to say that sharp pains in your breasts are normal, or if you're looking for someone to say that sharp pains definitely mean one thing or the other for sure, no one on here can do that for you. ~ T

Period late 2 weeks than very short ever since colostrum from breast and full breasts but no other symptoms can it be pregnancy?

Its not colostrum coming from your breasts. Colostrum comes out after delivery and first time of breast feeding. Take a pregnancy test for $8.00 and stop wondering.

There have been somewhat sharp pains in the breasts it's been said that this usually comes before your period however there has never been this pain before now; should there be concern of pregnancy?

Personally I haven't heard of sharp pains in your beasts being a sign of a period. Tender breasts are signs of periods or pregnancy or even hormonal changes. It is possible it could be pregnancy related or you may have fibrostic breasts which can cause breast discomfort and pain.

Can breasts only become tender at 8 weeks pregnancy?

Breasts can get tender before, sometimes acting as the first sign of pregnancy like in my case, or they may not get sore until 8 or 9 months or after delivery when your milk comes in. Everyone's different, my SIL's thought I was crazy when I told them how sore my breasts were at 6 weeks because they didn't get sore until 7 or 8 months.

Is excessive drowsiness a symptom of pregnancy?

That's how it was for me, and still is. I got the usual PMS symptons... cramps. Then I noticed that I was unable to get out of bed and I would sleep like 12 hours. My breasts got tender but also "fuller". They seemed heavier. I can't think properly anymore and I get really worn out easily. I'm pregnant. So you should get that checked out. Excessive drowsiness is a symptom of pregnancy. However, it can also be caused by stress and anemia, which are both serious if left untreated. Take a home pregnancy test. If it comes out positive, then this is the probable cause of your fatigue (positive HPT results are rarely wrong). If it turns out negative, you should seek the advice of a medical professional. They will do another pregnancy test and will also check for other conditions that may cause fatigue.

At what stage of pregnancy do women start to form milk in their breasts?

Colostrum is the first "milk" a baby gets from his mothers breasts. This is a thicker substance and after babies birth that is all he needs for the first couple days. After that, mother's milk comes in. Colostrum is the first "milk" a baby gets from his mothers breasts. This is a thicker substance and after babies birth that is all he needs for the first couple days. After that, mother's milk comes in. Colostrum is the first "milk" a baby gets from his mothers breasts. This is a thicker substance and after babies birth that is all he needs for the first couple days. After that, mother's milk comes in.

When do your breasts begin to get larger during pregnancy?

== Larger breasts== I am 35 weeks pregnant. During the first trimester my breasts were really sore. I still noticed that my bras were becoming too small and uncomfortable. Right about the 15th week I went ahead and bought a new bra because, like I said, my old ones were too small. The size I have now has lasted me pretty much my whole pregnancy, but I was told as soon as the milk comes in, your breasts will become even larger! Two nice supported bras with padding have gotten me through this.

Why do breast hurt a few days before a mentrul period?

It is common to have the tender breasts before the menstruation. This is due to effect of the progesterone hormone. The tenderness will go away and you expect the menstruation next day. The tenderness persists during the pregnancy.