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Ooh, a very interesting question. Off the top of my head, my initial reaction was:

"No! That'll just take you down to their level!". But then I thought about it; thought about how bullying is actually stopped by teachers or any other type of authority.

It all boils down to how you define bullying. The first definition that I will use will be: "Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants", which is the definition Google provided to me. If this is how you see the definition of bullying, then yes, you would actually have to BULLY, to stop others from bullying, as you intimidate them and force them to do what you want them to do.

The other definition I'm going to discuss is Wikipedia's "Bullying is a form of aggressive behaviour manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behaviour is habitual and involves an imbalance of power" definition. (Link of the definition can be found in the related links). Contrasting from the previous definition of influencing with superior strength, this definition concentrates on the aggressive side. If you think about it, when a teacher confronts a bully, they talk with an understanding and controlled voice. Shouting at children or bullies will not work, since they usually come from abusive households, and being shouted on is almost a daily routine for them. The second part of the definition, where it states that it is "habitual", this also distinguishes from the first definition and is definitely not the appropriate way to stop bullying.

So, it depends on how you define the term bullying, and how you plan on stopping bullying, as there are many methods and definitions for both.

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Q: Is it acceptable to bully in the name of stopping bullying?
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How is bullying?

Swearing in and of itself is not bullying. However, swearing is often a part of bullying. A bully may use disrespectful words that are aimed at their race, gender, or sexual orientation. If you know a word or name bothers someone and you keep using it, then that is certainly a part of bullying.

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Swearing in and of itself is not bullying. However, swearing is often a part of bullying. A bully may use disrespectful words that are aimed at their race, gender, or sexual orientation. If you know a word or name bothers someone and you keep using it, then that is certainly a part of bullying.

What is physical and verbal bullying?

One of the three types of bullying is physical bullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, biting, poking and choking. It also includes destroying personal belongings. One way to avoid physical bullying is to stay in a large group of friends. Or, If you are in school, try taking a different route to your classes than the bully. Anyone bullying you using physical contact. Whether it be hitting, pushing or using a weapon against you.

What can a person do to lend a hand against bullying?

It depends on the type of bullying and what you should do.Physical:KidsTell the bullies to stop and leave the person alone and get a teacher quick.AdultsGo up to the people or person and tell them to quit it and if they don't, defend the victim. If that severe, or even at all, contact the police and tell them what happened.Emotional (name calling, etc.):KidsStand up for the victim and tell the bully or bullies to stop it and leave the person alone, and again, get a teacher.AdultsTell the bully or bullies to stop calling names and leave the person alone.Cyber bullying:BothIf you ever witness cyber bullying you should tell the bully to stop but normally you will not know at all.I hope this helps and NEVER let a person bully another or do it yourself.-A.

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Amanda Todd committed suicide Oct.10, 2012. She hanged herself. So if people continue to bully, it is in name only.

What is mental bullying?

bullying that doesn't involve physicsl contact, just name calling and nasty little vibes. When i was young they used to say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" but that is a load of rubbish. mental or emotional bulling make you fel worthless and weak, but you're not. The bullies are pathetic and cowardly, but teachers know all about it and can make it stop. You are a bully by saying that the bully is pathetic and cowerdly.

What was the name of the biggest bully at the home in the book bud not buddy?

The name. Of the bully was Todd

What is name for name calling?


Describe the effects of bullying on both the bully and the victim of bullying?

All of the effects that can happen is 1. suicide 2. scared to go to school 3. cries everyday, and many more but you try to name them in order. Effects for the bully would be feelings of fun, empowerment, satisfaction, unhappiness and maybe also nervousness. Some bullies are also bullied elsewhere.

What type of bullying is calling names?

Bullying would be worse, although name-calling is one of the components of bullying. Bullying in general is not just name-calling, but also physical abuse, extortion, and psychological torture.

How many ways are there to bully a kid?

1. Cyber bullying - This involves sending nasty text messages, threats on the Internet hate websites, fake blogs in another persons name, silent phone calls. 2. Physical bullying. This can involve punching, kicking, happy slapping, nipping, elbowing. 3. verbal bullying. this is where somebody is called names by another kid. There is also a few other ways to bully,, i.e. being whispered about, taking others stuff. I have witnessed a girl being called a spacker and being made fun of repeatedly.