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yes. He wasnt as opposed to slavery as many people think. He was just interested in conserving the nation.

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Q: Is it an opinion that Lincoln believed there should be no slavery?
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How did president Lincoln's political stand on slavery differ from his personal stand during war?

His political opinion was that he would only stop slavery from spreading, not abolish it. His personal opinion was that slavery should be abolished and there was nothing worse.

How did president Lincoln's political stand on slavery different from his personal stand during the war?

His political opinion was that he would only stop slavery from spreading, not abolish it. His personal opinion was that slavery should be abolished and there was nothing worse.

How did president Lincoln political stand on slavery differ from his personal stand during the war?

His political opinion was that he would only stop slavery from spreading, not abolish it. His personal opinion was that slavery should be abolished and there was nothing worse.

What did slavery remind Lincoln of?

Lincoln despised slavery and thought it should be abolished.

Why did Abraham Lincoln win presidency?

he wanted to end slavery once and for all because that he believed America should be a free country.....

How did Lincoln and Douglas differ their views on slavery?

Lincoln believed that slavery was morally wrong and should not be expanded to new territories, while Douglas argued for popular sovereignty, allowing each state or territory to decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. Lincoln also believed that the Declaration of Independence's principle that "all men are created equal" applied to all individuals, regardless of race, while Douglas did not hold the same view.

What issues dominated the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

The topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates mostly concerned the extension of slavery into the US territories. Douglas believed that the territories should decide for themselves whether or not they wished to have slavery. He felt that power should reside at the local level and should reflect the wishes of the people. Lincoln stated, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Lincoln believed that slavery must be dealt with as a moral wrong and that only the power of the federal government could extinguish slavery.

How did Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas differ in their views on slavery?

Abraham Lincoln said that slavery could exist in the United States if it did not spread. That means that the states that had slaves could keep them, but any new state added to the union could not have slavery. Stephan A Douglas believed that slavery was wrong and that it should be abolished from all states now and in the future. Bottom Line: Lincoln= current slave holding states have slaves. All new states have no slaves. Douglas= no slaves what so ever.

What was Lincoln's main position on slavery?

Lincoln was at first undecided about slavery. Later on, his views were that all men were created equal and slavery had not place in the US.

Who was the candidate for the Senate from Illinois in 1858 who argued against the spread of slavery?

In 1858, Abraham Lincoln was the Republican Party's nominee for the Illinois senate seat occupied by nationally known Senator Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln's position on slavery was that it was wrong. Knowing that slavery was strongly supported in the southern states where it existed, Lincoln was among the many people in the US, who believed that slavery should not be extended to the US Western territories.

Who thought slavery should be abolished?

the answer is abarham Lincoln

Who thought that slavery should be abolished and why?

Abarham Lincoln