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Yes they can. (Romans 12:15) However the main purpose of having a memorial service is to comfort the bereaved and to give a witness concerning the condition of the dead to those who attend. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5) Another important reason for having a funeral is to help all in attendance to reflect on the transitoriness of life. (Ecclesiastes 7:2) By attending them, Christians can give evidence of the love and respect that they had for their fellow Christian. And they may be moved to think more seriously on the meaning of life, about how they should be using their own life before God.

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Yes, anyone that wants to support the family of the deceased and pay their respects may attend.

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Q: Is it appropriate for a non jw to attend a jw funeral?
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Please consult the Watchtower website (see link below) under the appropriate tab

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As many as you like. There is actually no limit as to what is appropriate. The only limitation is the expense of making this possible. A large flock of white doves being released is truly impressive. Check the article at the link below.↓ jw org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101976448 Just add a period between the jw and org to complete the link.

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JW Answers: Of course! We do not think that we are better than other people, or to good for other people. Hope that answers your question. :) sure Jehovah in the bible says to love our neighbors and to help them out so we follow his word and help others. Complete answer: JW's can share food with any non JW as long as they are not a disfellowshipped member. To these JW's are even discouraged to speak to unless absolutely necessary. Jehovah's Witnesses are very loving people until they have a reason to hate you.

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I don't fully understand the question. When you mention "a priest", are you referring to the Catholic Priest? or do you mean a Jehovah's Witness elder? I believe the Catholic Priest dont believe in Jehovah so they definitely don't do such a thing. If its a JW Elder, the "Jehovah Burial" will mean a "Funeral Discourse". This is done to comfort the berieved family everytime a JW or a family of a JW dies. Let me know which is the correct point.

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What does JW mean in text language?

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Why can't JW people attend Catholic funerals?

Jehovah's Witnesses can attend Catholic funeral if they chose. Many will either chose not to attend or may attend without participating in the actual ceremony.Many will view the ceremony as objectionable due to the teachings and customs sometimes attachted to such event.The Governing Body have seen fit to address this topic.Watchtower 2002 15th May Questions from Readers, Would it be advisable for a true Christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church?'Our taking part in any form of false religion is displeasing to Jehovah and must be avoided. A church funeral is a religious service.... How unwise to expose oneself to such pressure!'Each individual Jehovah's Witness when deciding for themselves would 'respond to the directions of the slave as we would to the voice of God' (W57 15th June p370).