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Yes,my turtle did that and got parlized so he like froze so ...... It is bad

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Q: Is it bad for a turtle to look itself in the mirror?
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Is it bad for a baby to look in the mirror?

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an optical correct mirror is a normal mirror and a rue mirroer is an mirror that makes you look bad rue means regret.

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your left side doesn't look bad because it is the side that really shows the actual you. what your other side shows you its just a consolation, if you want to know how you look , look at the left side of your mirror not the right side. thanks

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It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.

Why Side mirror not heating in VW passat?

Is it just one mirror? I would look at a possible broken wire or heating element on the mirror. If it is both, I would look at a possible bad switch since it affects both mirrors.

Is it bad if a painted turtle egg is deflated?

It's bad if the turtle is still in it.

What is the true color of a mirror?

The Correct Answer Is Green Want A Proof? Buy 2 mirrors. then look at the reflection of the mirror and the mirror and so on The Color Of The Mirror On The Back Turns Green And Greener :P Sorry For My bad English!

Why do you look better in the mirror?

we look better in mirror becuase of many different reasons, the lighting of the room you are in plays a big role. it makes your skin color look different and gives you different shades on your face. the other reason is you have a attitude that " i look good" or " i am not good looking, but i am not bad looking also" it makes you look good psycologycally. the mirror itself plays a role sometimes on how you look. the mirror that makes you look long are making you look skinny in your eyes and feel good about yourself. but in reality you are have a fat face and you walk around like your got skinny face. the last thing, you look at your self for long period of time. and you get used to your face and the face that is familiar to you looks better then a face that is not familiar and ugly. lol. yeah these are the reason we look better in mirror. keep looking coz you need that self pride to do whatever there is out there to be done.

What is Bad body image?

When U look in the mirror and see something you are dissatisfied with, when what you see is not what others see.

7 Y B L for B a M?

7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror

Is it bad luck to have a mirror facing a mirror?
