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Probably not. All you need to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. While you want to make sure you're getting enough nutrients, a little less fat won't hurt.

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Q: Is it bad if I eat less than 200 fat calories a day but I eat the recommended amount of protein and carbs for a woman to lose weight?
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What is the daily recommended protein intake?

Protein RDA Protein recommendations are mainly based on the individuals body weight. The protein RDA is high, to cover most person's needs. The average requirement for protein is 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight; the RDA is 0.8 grams this is said to meet 97.5% of the population's needs.

What is the recommended calorie intake needed to lose weight?

The amount of calories may intake while losing weight will vary depending on many factors including gender, current weight, and the amount of physical activity performed. Generally speaking the amount of calories taken in must be less than the number of calories burned. Many health specialists recommend 10 to 15% less calories taken in to ge a healthy, steady way to lose weight.

What is the amount of calories you should have when on a slimming diet?

Well it depnds on your weight now and the weight you intend to weigh, you age, height, and body compostion, and your recommended calorie count.

What are some recipes for weight loss?

There are many cookbooks and websites that offer recipes for weight loss. The main things to remember are: reduce the amount of fat & carbohydrates and increase the amount of protein and fiber in the recipe. This will result in less calories consumed and more calories burned with digestion.

The number of calories you need depends upon?

The number of calories you need depends on the amount of energy your body uses.

How much protein should a middle aged man eat per day?

The recommended amount of protein is found using the guideline of 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight. On average - Adult men need about 55 grams a day. Adult women need about 46 grams a day.You can also figure your protein requirement based on the percentage of calories. The protein should make up 10% and no more than 35% of the total calories you consume.See also: a healthy diet to be fit.

Should a weight gaining diet be focused on calories or protein?

It should focus on both. While calories alone will cause you to gain weight, pretty much regardless of protein content, a modest amount of protein can help promote an increase in lean muscle mass, especially when combined for resistance exercise. Roughly 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day (~.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight for the metrically challenged) is about the highest that's been shown in studies to be effective.

Do protein bars help lose weight?

Yes. You can gain weight by consuming excessive calories, be they from fat, carbohydrates or protein.

Does protein help to gain weight even if you don't work out?

Yes protein provides calories. The more calories you eat over how much you burn the faster you gain weight. However if you are not working out that weight is not going to be muscle.

What is the recommended total number of calories for a 10 year old girl?

1800 calories is the GDA (Guidline Daily Amount), but if you are underweight (and need to gain weight) try to consume more. If you are overweight (and need to lose weight) try to consume less.

How much fat can you eat on your daily calories?

You should consume at least 0.75g of protein per kg body weight. After calculating the amounts of calories you get form the recommended intake of protein you subtract that from your daily caloric need. The number you now have should be divided by 9 and you have the amount of fat (in grams) that you should eat to reach your caloric need. Because carbohydrates are non-essential I did not include them. The lowest amount of fat you should consume is 1g per kg body weight. So if you want to consume carbohydrates you could easily add them into the equation.

What is the recommended amount of carbohydrate per meal for women who want to lose weight?

what is the recommended amount of carboyhdrate for women what is the recommended amount of carboyhdrate for women