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Not at all ! The older a snake gets - the less frequent it will shed. My corn snakes only shed once a year, as they're almost fully grown. Yet - my Royal Python sheds every 4-5 months as he's only a couple of years old.

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Q: Is it bad if your snake hasn't shed for over 3 months?
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How do you remove left over skin from a snake shed?

Do NOT pick at your snake. It will rub off in due time.

HELP What do you do if your snakes scales are dry and rough and he wont eat. Its been three months since hes eaten... Is he dying?

I'd think your snake is trying to shed. When snakes shed their eyes turn a cloudy blue and they don't eat. You should place a rock or stick in their to help it shed. I'm pretty sure your snake is dead if it hasn't eaten in three months.

Do snakes shed at any time or do they shed skin routinely such as once a month every 6 months etc?

They do go by a system but it dosent really have to do with time. It has to do with how much they eat if you keep the snake on a normal feeding schedule then they should shed regularly. A example is say a snake didnt eat for 2 months. When the snake returns to its feeding system, It should go into shed after the first or second meal. Reason being, The snakes growing in size therefore having to replace there skin. Like when we grow out of close.

How do you know when a snake is going into a shed?

You can usually tell when a snake is going to shed when there is a dull looking film over the eyes of the snake. Most of the time a snake will not eat when it is getting ready to shed it's skin, and there may be flaky, dry skin on it's back. Once it sheds, it's scales will have a different appearance. The snake will have a smoother appearance, and the eyes will be very clear and lose the dull appearance.

When do a snakes shed their skin?

It varies. A snake's skin doesn't continually stretch as they grow, as ours does. The younger the snake - the more often it needs to shed in order to grow. A snake that's only a few years old might shed five or six times a year - whereas one that's over ten years old, may only shed once a year.

How much does a snake shread its skin in its life?

It depends on how fast the snake grows. If a snake is growing quickly, it will shed more. If a snake is growing slowly, it won't shed as often.

When do snakes come out of there old skin?

It varies - according to the age of the snake. Younger snakes grow rapidly and, since their skin doesn't 'stretch' like ours does, they need to shed frequently as they grow out of the old skin. A snake under 2 years old may shed every 6-8 weeks, but a fully-grown snake may only shed once every 14 months.

Does a red bellied black snake shed?

all snakes shed.

Does your skin shed like a snake?

No, it does not.

What is peculiar about a snake's skin?

They shed it..

Is it a bad thing if your snake doesn't shed when it is supposed to?

Don't worry, your snake will shed when he's good and ready. As they grow older, they will shed less often as their growth slows own. If you are really worried, just make sure that there is a bowl of water big enough for the snake to soak in, and the snake will soak himself if it is going to shed.

Why is it important for a snake to shed its skin?

A snake sheds its skin, because it allows the snake to grow.