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Yes, it's starvation. Some people need to consume 2000 calories per day. It depends on what gender you are and how big you are. Are you trying to lose weight or you just don't like eating? Either way, you need at least 1000 calories per DAY.

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Q: Is it bad to consume only 2000 calories per week?
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How many calories are required to burn to loose 1kg of weight per week?

Depends how many calories you consume

How many calories do you need to burn and consume daily if you want to lose 2.5 pounds per week?

It will depend on your current weight. A person weighing 300 pounds may be able to consume over 2000 calories and still lose significant weight while a person weighing 150 pounds may be limited to 1500 calories/day to lose.

How much weight can you lose if ate only 97 calories for 1month?

You would get very sick. A pound of fat is 3500 calories. If you only eat 97 calories (assuming a day) then that means (assuming a 2000 calorie diet) you are losing 1907 calories a day or 13321 calories a week. This is 3.8 pounds lost a week. Everything I've read says healthy weigh tloss is only at maximum 1 pound a week.

If i burn 300 calories per day then how much of weight I should reduce in a week?

well, it depends on your calorie intake per day. Basically how many calories you consume a day. If you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight.

How many calories less a day do you need to consume to lose one pound in a week?

A pound of fat is generally around 3500 calories, so to lose a pound of fat a week you would need to lose 500 calories a day

How many calories would Louis Smith eat per week whilst in training?

Louis Smith would have to consume 24,465 calories per week to compete. Thats 3495 per day!

If you eat 9100 calories a week how much weight will you lose if you burn 1000 a week?

None, probably. You need to burn 3,500 MORE calories than you consume to lose one solid pound of weight.

How many calories should you eat to maintain your weight of 110 lbs at 5'6 working out 4-5 days a week for an hr a day Currently eating 800 cals want to up intake. How many can I consume?

Only 800 calories??? Wow. Everyone's body is different, but you could probably go up to 2000/day if you're are exercising.

What should you eat and do in a week to lose a pound?

You should eat healthy and well balanced diet and exercise daily. I exercise daily for 30 minutes and burn 350 calories per day. Also, I consume 400 calories less than the usual calorie intake. This way if you consume 3500 calories less per week, you will loose a pound.

Can a woman still lose 1 pound per week of body fat if she does not exercise but is careful not to consume more than 2000 calories on any given day?

You can find tips on how to lose weight and calories at the following website that provide to help you,

How much weight can you lose a week working out 2 hours a day 6 times a week?

It all depends on calorie intake and intensity, consume about 1500~2000 calories a day, if you workout, your burn of the calories should be equal to or greater than that amount. And if you're gaining weight, it may be muscle, muscle weighs more than fat.

How many calories do you need to burn to lose one pound a week?

To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume in a day.