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It is not particularly worse to have acne concentrated in one part of your face as compared to having acne evenly distributed across your face, but in either case, it is undesirable, and you should keep your face cleaner, to allow more oxygen to reach the bacteria.

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Q: Is it bad to have a cluster of acne in one part of your face?
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How do you get rid of my bad acne?

Clean your face everynight with a good facewash!

How To Prevent From Getting So Much Acne?

I used to have bad acne... I heard that one important thing is to not touch your face, squeeze, or pop your zits because it will cause breakouts. I stopped touching my face and it helped a lot!

Does baby pee help acne go away?

No. There is nothing magic about baby urine. Wash your face instead and get an over the counter acne cream from the drug store. If your acne is really bad go to the doctor.

When do acne disappear?

I have acne really bad and it will not disappear by itself so I recommend going to a dermatologist and they will give you medicine for it and you must also wash your face daily to get it to go away.

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How much blood does a moose have?

10 gallons,a moose's blood is also good for bad Acne,if you put it on your face.

Should you still have acne when using a facial wash daily?

yes, I tried every acne wash and my face was still bad. Go to the dermatologist, they can give you pills or special treatments for your face. Also I wash my face with a gentle dish soap, sounds awful but its the best.

How you look good even if you have acne?

i dont have acne and i never did but most people can see past it. im a teen and my boyfriend has acne but its not really that bad. if you want to cover it up then just use face make up or something...thats what i would do. obviously!!

How to Prevent Acne Before it Shows Up?

People treat acne like its a plague. Obviously, nobody wants to have acne show up on their face or other parts of their body. Most people tend to treat it as it occurs, but there are plenty of precautions a person can take to avoid getting acne. Although you can’t completely stop the possibility of acne occurring, you can definitely reduce the amount that shows up and how often it appears. Washing your face on a regular basis is important - one to three times a day. It should be noted, however, that any more than this can cause irritation to the face and can actually cause acne. Also, using a face wash designed to keep the face clean is the best choice for fighting acne on the face. Make sure you remove all makeup when you go to sleep too. This will help reduce the occurrence of acne. You should also wear plenty of sunscreen on your face to avoid damage and irritation, which can cause acne. Eating properly can help reduce the appearance and severity of acne. Obviously, greasy and unhealthy foods are bad for your body, but they’re also bad for your acne. Eating properly keeps your body healthier and reduces the frequency of acne buildup. It’s best to avoid touching your face with dirty hands and fingers. This can help breed acne and pimples, which is exactly what you don’t want to happen. If you wear sunglasses or glasses, they should be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid the buildup of dirt and grime that can be transferred to your pores. On top of this, you should keep your hair clean and keep it out of your face to avoid dirt building up on your face. There is no sure-fire way to prevent acne, but there are simple steps that can be taken to avoid the number of pimples and zits that occur and the frequency with which they pop up. Acne is an unavoidable part of life and growing up, but its prevalence can be reduced before it can even show up on someone’s face.

Is smoking weed out of a gas mask bad for your skin?

Yes..weed isnt really bad for you. but having any type of smoke just on your face like that can cause acne

Why is my acne so bad?

We don’t know you, but if you aren’t washing your face everyday that could be a cause. Your diet will also affect skin quality.