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The bad thing about popping zits, etc, is that you are spreading the bacteria to the other pores in your face, hense, more pimples. Warts should be looked at by your physician. LPN By popping white heads and black heads.. you open the pores up and stretch them. It's traumatic for the skin to heal from such things.

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Q: Is it bad to pop anything on your face like pimples and warts?
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Do dogs get pimples or warts?

yes there is a thing called puppy warts. They can get them on their faces around their mouth. This is common in Boxers and other short snouted breeds. It is called canine papilloma virus and is contagious, but like the chicken pocks in humans once they have it they cannot get it again. it looks just like a wart we would get with a cauliflower like head. Most websites will tell you they will go away in 4-6 weeks, but the problem is they can spread, and the issue is it can go into their mouth and into their throat. There is a natural remedy to get rid of the warts that you would buy in any natural food store. Lysine, is what it is called. depending on the size of your puppy you just have them take a pill a day and it helps remove the warts. please check with your vet if you have any questions....

Is there a vaccine for common warts?

No, only for genital warts like Giardasil.

Can Hamsters get warts?

Yes hamsters can get things that look like warts if your hamster does have what you think is a wart take it to a vet staight away because it could be something more serious like a tumour.

Can children get warts on their backs?

the "warts" may be moluscum contagiousum" (not sure on the correct spelling. they look very like warts and are very common in children. they ususally disappear as the child gets older-there is no medical cure, however some homeopathy treatments do work

Are warts transmissible?

YES!!!I did NOT know that until my little boy had one and i just cant seem to get rid of it, so i called my older sister who is a Nurse, has been for YEARS!!! and she said whatever you do... DONT PICK AT IT!!! it is a VIRUS , just like a flu, and contagious and it will spread...........Sorta like conjuntivitis in the eye!!! that fast! (PINK EYE)So DONT touch it,,yes you CAN get it......sorry.

Related questions

Does chocolate form pimples?

Yes just about anything with sugar can form pimples it really also depends on what kind of skin you have. Some people are almost immune to acne or pimples. But some people (like me) get them without eating anything. It's just part of life and puberty. So just stick with yourself and wash your face everyday and you should be ok.

How did people have pimples?

Well pimples and acne can be caused by a lot if things like rubbing your face a lot or spending to much time in the sun or not washing your face or stress and unhealthy eating and a lot of more things

How would I get Pimples on my Thighs and my Penis. Some are red and hurt while others don't. Is this a simple case of Pimples like ones face?

Its most likely herpes

How do you get rid of a pimple you already popped?

It is not wise to pop pimples since you spread the infection to other parts of your face will be infected with pimples. It also makes the wound open making it prone to infection.To treat you popped pimples wash your face with antibiotic soap or soap with glycerin. The treat your pimples natural remedies like lemon, honey or aloe vera.

How long does pimples go?

I have pimples, so if u leave it it will stay. you can pop it, or wash ur face, and it will go away eventually. Ur skin has oil in it. The bacteria and oil mix and that creates a pimples. Just take good care of ur face. Treat it like it is a child. Care for it. Wash it.

Do people like pimples?

no they don't like pimples

What do you do if you have pimples and warts during puberty?

The reason why you get pimples and warts is because you sweat more during puberty.For pimple skin care you can go to the drug store or grocerey store and they will have a section with skin care products.For warts they should have special band-aids or cream to apply to the works like magic. Actually, warts are caused by a type of virus; the quickest way to get rid of them is to see a doctor who can freeze them off with liquid nitrogen or burn them off with a sort of modified arc welder (less painful than it sounds, but if they do it on your feet, you will probably be limping for a week or two).

Why are pimples called pimples?

Because you have to squeeZIT??

How do you get a boy to like you but you have pimples?

You can clear your face with face wash and try not to touch your face alot because the oil from your hands can get in your pores.And any guy that doesn't like you because of your looks is really stupid.The inside really counts. :D

Do pimples spread?

Pimples sometimes spread a lot quicker if you touch your face a lot. All the oil form your fingertips transfers onto your skin and builds up until you get a blackhead. Sometimes blackheads form pimples. The oil from the pimple then will get on the skin around it. More pimples will come. I suggest you stop picking or touching your face completely and wash your face twice a day with a cleanser.

Some sentences with the word has?

It smells like he has not bathed in weeks. He has pimples all over his face. Did you know that she has published ten books?

What does cover-up do to your face?

Cover up or concealer is used to cover and hide blemishes and redness, like pimples and the blue shades under the eye. It is kind of like foundation, but is more focussed on the spots on your face as opposed to the overall tone of your face.