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In the soil because the tubers are not exposed to sunlight, or any source of light for that matter, nor are they going to be as likely to be exposed to very cold or warm temperatures, which is likely the case with growing potato plants in water. If they are exposed to light when still attached to the plant, they turn green, which is a sign that they are not good to eat. Green potatoes are poison potatoes, simply because green potatoes have a higher level of a toxin called solanine than white potatoes do. Solanine is a neuro-toxin that, when enough quantities are consumed, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and even paralysis of the central nervous system. The occasional green potato chip won't hurt you, but it's a different story if you consume a green potato on purpose.

See the Snopes link below on green potatoes

However, you can grow potatoes hydroponically, it just takes a certain level of expertise and knowledge to grow it properly. Please see the related links below (below the Snopes article) for articles on hydroponic potatoes.

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Q: Is it better growing the potato hydroponically or in the soil?
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The water from the soil will give off nutrients to the plants so they will grow nicely.

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It depends on the preference of the plant .

What are the requirement's of growing a potato?

Growing a potato is actually quite easy.You need a seed potato, a small garden plot or a large container or large plastic bag filled with soil or a mix of soil and compost.Plant the potato about 6 inches down in a sunny location, when shoots appear, bank up the soil to encourage more growth, water the plant in dry conditions.After a few months the plant will be fully grown, when the leaves start to die back it's time to harvest, you should get at least a couple of pounds of potatoes from one healthy plant.

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