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It is not. A cat will never miss the experience of "motherhood". In fact, spaying a cat prior to it going into heat the first time is easier on the cat and less expensive to you. It's a bigger surgery once she's been in heat. In addition, spaying a cat before she goes into heat the first time can keep her from developing the urges to spray, mark her territory, and become aggressive. Yes, female cats do spray.

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Q: Is it better to let a female cat have her first litter of kittens or not?
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How many kittens does a cat have the first pregnancy?

usually cats have only about 2-3 kittens in their first litter

How old should your cat be before she can have kittens?

About 2 years old. But is best to spay her. Female cats do not need to have a litter first.

Is it safe to keep the first litter of kittens with the second litter of kittens?

It would depend on how far apart the litters were born. If they were born fairly close together, it might be okay. Otherwise, no. The younger kittens could not handle the roughhousing the older kittens are used to.

How many kittens can a young cat have?

4-6 is an average litter. Above 6 is usually considered a large litter, depending on the breed. Some cats have had as many as 14 kittens.

Is it ok that your cat had two kittens or should you be expecting more?

It is perfectly normal for a cat to have only two kittens. Sometimes a cat will have only one kitten. Usually a cat will have fewer kittens in her first litter, and when she is older she will have a larger litter.

How long until a female goes back into heat after her first litter?

This usually depends on how old the kittens are and the individual mother cat. Usually a female cat will come back into season after her current kittens are weaned. However, some cats' cycles can start again when her kittens are still very young, and some will not come into heat again for many months after the kittens are weaned.

How many kittens are usually in the first litter?

Usually the number of kittens in a litter is about 5. You really needs to research the breed to be sure. If you actually meant a liter/litre, there doesn't seem to be any readily available information on the volume of an average kitten. Briefly submerging a large enough sample of kittens in water, measuring how much water they displaced, and then working out a per-kitten average would be the easiest way to measure the volume of an average kitten, and from there it could be worked out how many average kittens are in a litre.

How many kittens does a normal cat have?

Cats usually have 5-15 kittens if it is the first litter if they have 15+ then it may be a problem if the cat is under 3 years if it has 4 and down kittens then there may be hidden kittens

Male kitten about 4 months old and a female kitten about 5 months old I haven't gotten them spayed or neutered when should I expect a first litter of kittens?

You can expect pregnancy within 6 months. Whenever the female cat goes into heat. Also the pregnancy will take from 60-70 days. Good luck with your kittens!

How many babys can cats have at a time?

Female cats can have litters that range to 1 to 10 kittens. Beware. The first litter for female cats can be very painful for the cat, so be very kind to her and make her a bed all her own with soft towels or blankets. Just a quiet place for her to give birth. Good luck with your new kittens! ~Have a blessed day!~

Is it better for a cat to have a litter of kittens before the mom is spayed?

This is a greatly debated topic. Most vets say it is best to spay early, before a cat even has her first heat cycle. On the flip side, a large number of cat owners feel that the cat will "settle" better after having a litter. I think it's really a matter of personal preference. If you are more comfortable with having that litter before spaying, and can handle the challenge of raising and finding homes for the kittens, then follow your heart.

How many kittens can a cat have in its second litter?

On a cats first litter the average is about 2-3 but On their second it could vary to between 1-8.