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Q: Is it better to peel potatoes before or after you cook them?
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Can you peel squash the night before you prepare it?

Actually, there is no need to peel it. Just cook it whole and it will peel like a banana.

How did people peel the potatoes before the hand potato peeler invented?

With a knife.

Should potaoes be peeled when making beef stew?

Peeling potatoes while they are boiling is not recommended as you could be burned by the hot water and/or hot potatoes.As for peeling potatoes before you boil them, it is not necessary. You can boil them first, cool them, and then peel them. It is easier to peel the potatoes after they have been boiled.

Can you peel potatoes the night before and soak them in cold water and mash the next day?

Yes you can.

Can you Peel sweet potatoes night before?

Yes, however, I tend to cover them with water to prevent them drying out.

How old are chips when they are fully grown?

You cant grow chips you grow potatoes then you peel them and cut them in to a chip shape cook them and eat them! hope i helped! (:

Can you parboil potatoes the day before?

Yes! Make sure they are cool at room temp before you put them away for the night. ***Do NOT peel them.

Do you peel a sweet potato before boiling?

Most people do, but others like having the peels in the mashed potatoes. I always peel the potatoes first. If you don't, you won't get your mashed potatoes smooth, and it will have chunks of skin in - which don't look great!!

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What are pared potatoes?

Pare is another word for peel, so pared potatoes are peeled potatoes.

Can you peel brussel sprouts the night before?

There is no reason why you couldn't peel vegetables the night before they are to be used. Just make sure you cover them and don't leave them exposed over night.

How do you make smashed potatoes?

Peel potatoes then use a cheese grater to shred them.