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A LLC is better for a small farm with the deductions without the problems of a co-op or a corporation.

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Q: Is it better to set up a family farm as a corporation or co-op in the US?
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How do you change a family farm into a corporation?

A farm cannot become a corporation. It can be owned and operated by a corporation. The family can file (with the secretary of state, or local equivalent) for a new corporation to be formed, then "sell" the farm to the corporation in exchange for "shares" (meaning management control and dividends). Or the family can actually sell the farm to an existing corporation for cash, or for shares of the existing corporation, or for a debt instrument (e.g., a promissory note).

Where do chickens live in the farm?

chciken coop

Where would you find a coop and a silo?

On a farm.

How do you place the egg farm on farmerama?

You have to place on your existing chicken coop

Where do they sell affordable chicken coop kits?

Chicken coop kits is somewhat essential to have for your farm. They sell the cheapest chicken coop kit on where some are under 300 dollars.

Where does cock or hen live?

Chickens usually are found on a farm. They stay in a coop which is a building that has shelves for them to lay eggs on and a fenced on yard to play in.

Where do chickens live in on a farm?

Chickens live in nearly every part of the world. The only place chickens cannot survive is in the water. Chickens can even survive desert regions if they have enough food given to them by humans.

Where do hens live?

Hens on a farm usually live in a structure called a chicken coop. Hens permitted to run free will usually sleep in their coop or other barn, even in trees, then in the day time wander around looking for food.

Where do 'chickens' live?

In a chicken coop/ chicken yard/ barn.they also live in the mountains in NepalChicken coops

What is the name of a hen's home called?

The habitat of a chicken is called a coop. A coop is just a place the chickens can go at night to roost. It should be sheltered from the rain and winds. It also should contain nesting boxes where the hens can lay eggs. Safety from predators is also a reason to build a coop.

What do you suggest to put on the ground of an outside chicken coop?

I use straw. You can get this at your local farm store.

What is the name of a place where hens are kept?

Chickens are kept in coops.