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Biotin is a B vitamin that helps in formation of glucose and fatty acids.It intervenes in their procession (fatty acids and Carbohydrates ).

It is better to eat food containing Biotin than taking it as a drug supplement;but in some special cases the second choice may be preferred due to individual conditions.

Better you eat food with Biotin and then you may get other supplements contained in that food,and you give your organism a good chance to proceed to different components from the food you ate !

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Q: Is it better to take biotin supplements or to eat foods with biotin in it?
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How do you Grow What if your Hair out Super Long Super Fast?

There is no super fast method to growing out your hair long. You can take biotin supplements to help encourage hair growth. Biotin will aid in the growth and strength of the hair.

Can you take amoxicillin and biotin?

There are no known drug interactions with cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) and Biotin. When taking more than two medications and/or supplements, there are always the potential for interactions, even if not sited in pharmacology resources. Proceed with caution.

Can you take iron pills and biotin pills at the same time?

According to the pharmacist, I was told to take my iron and biotin tablets at least 2 or 3 hours apart as the iron 'sucks' up the goodness from the biotin and therefore makes it less useful to the body. I take my iron tables first thing in the morning ( on an empty stomach) so 1 hour before breakfast. I take my biotin about 3 - 4 hours later with lunch as it is recommended to take biotin with food so it absorbs better. I have just started the biotin a couple of weeks ago, so to early to tell results as yet; Hope this helps

Is not eating meat for 60 days bad?

No, but eat foods rich in iron or take iron supplements

Does biotin can cause acne or cystic acne?

I have read that biotin in doses upward of 2500 mcg daily can cause acne, and my own personal experience backs that up. I started taking biotin 5000 mcg daily around the end of August 2010 thinking it would make my hair stronger, and by the first of October my skin progressed from being extremely oily to breaking out in deep cysts. Now that I have figured out that the biotin was likely behind it, I have stopped taking it as of yesterday. I wonder how long it will take to get better...I had some acne before I started the biotin, but nowhere near as bad as it is now. I now understand that my diet more than supplies my biotin requirement, and I sure wish I hadn't started taking the supplements. Hope this helps :)

Is it safe to take both b-complex and biotin?

A B-Complex contains biotin. Take a decent B-Complex.

How much biotin should you take?

The recommended dosage of biotin is 2.5 mcg. Biotin is a supplement often used to help strengthen hair and nails.

What to take if your anemic?

Take iron supplements, or even better eat more foods which contain iron such as spicach, broccoli, lentils, and wheatgerm. A couple of tablespoons of blackstrap molasses can do wonders for people who are anemic.

What kind of foods that are healthy that I can take to make my nails grow faster?

Experts say that nothing makes your nails grow faster but biotin makes your nails stronger.

What oil is good to make your hair grow?

I recommend you take Biotin in pill form. Biotin is an excellent viatamin for the scalp

Should you take out-dated supplements?

I would not recommend taking out-dated supplements, but it depends on what kind of supplement you want to take. To take a out-dated supplement, you better be willing to take the risk of possibly getting health problems later on in doing so.

Can a 13 year old take biotin?
