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Q: Is it common for contractions to stop after the water broke?
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How do you determine dog labor is ended?

When the dog stop her contractions and stop huffing and puffing and starts to relax.

When heart is removed from body does it stop beating?

Absolutely. It may have a few involuntary contractions, but without a connection to the brain, it will stop.

Can your cervix close after dilation if contractions stop for weeks?

No, once you have dialated your cervix will not close.

Why did Soviet Union stop Communism?

They were broke!!

Why does your wash machine stop?

because its broke.

Contractions in the uterus of a pregnant woman push a baby into the birth canal. When this happens contractions in the uterus increase. Which feedback mechanism is used to deliver the baby?

Unlike negative feedback, positive feedback'sare less common in the human body system.During the childbirth process, women will experience a decrease in the hormone named PROGESTERONE. This hormone is believed to initiate a small contractions of the uterus.Oxytocin causes much stronger contractions of the uterus. As the contraction increase in seize and length the baby moves towards the opening of the uterus.The descend of the baby causes stronger contractions, which release more oxytocin, which causes stronger contractions until the baby expels. Once the baby is expelled from the uterus the uterine contractions stop.The uterine contractions stop, stops the release of oxytocin, which stops the contracts as well. The hypothalamus stimulates the release of hormones by the pituitary gland.

Apostrophe before or after full stop?

An apostrophe is never used before a full stop. Apostrophes are used to indicate possession ('s) or to show omitted letters in contractions (e.g. can't for cannot).

How do you stop your water pump leaking on your ford transit lorry?

The way you stop your water pump from leaking on a Ford Transit Lorry depends on why it is leaking. The most common fix is to replace the gasket on the water pump.

Does my period stop in water?

No, your period doesn't stop in water - this is a common myth. Menstruation can sometimes appear to stop in water because when light what little blood leaves your body is diluted by the water, but it doesn't stop and heavier flow will be noticed. If you want to go in the bath you can do so at any time, but if wanting to go in the water to swim you need to use internal menstrual products such as tampons, softcups, diaphragms, or menstrual cups.

What is the use of a stop watch?

A stop watch is used to time a person. A stop watch has many uses, some uses are to see how fast someone runs, the length of a test, or how far apart contractions are for a pregnant woman.