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Yes Because the led in the pencil is poisonous.

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Q: Is it dangerous to chew pencils?
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Why do they put led in pencils and if kids chew on them they could die?

Lead hasn't been used in pencils for many years. It's graphite nowadays.

Why do people eat pencils?

Same reason people chew on their fingernails, toothpicks, or smoke, because they have an oral fixation.

What are legal issues with pencils?

pencils contain lead. lead is dangerous for humans. many students put pencils in there mouth and can lead to lead poisoning. This can bring lawsuits against companies for negligence as the companies know the pencils contain lead which is toxic.

Can you swallow a pencil?

Yes eating pencils is bad for you. Do you eat them? ;-) Modern pencils are made of wood and carbon rod, and as such are not harmful they are made keeping in mind that a lot of people chew on the end of their pencils while they are using them. The old fashioned lead pencils on the other hand were harmful if they were eaten but they are not normally available any more.

Does eating of slate pencils leads to death?

hi my frnd is eating 3 to 4 slate pencils per month is it dangerous pls tellme.her family doesn't know that she is eating that

Is it dangerous to chew on coins?

It wears away the enamel in your teeth. If you chew them very often than it could lead to an over abundance of metals in your bloodstream.

Do pencils spread germs?

they can if you chew on them or bite them, and spread it on to someone. Or if somedoesnt wash there hands after the use in a toliet but not germs that will harm you anless the person that chews on it is sick

Is lead a metal?

Yes, lead is a metal that is usually found in pencils, hence the name "Lead, pencil." The above statement is completely and utterly wrong, there has never and still is no lead at all in pencils, that's graphite. Also lead is a poor metal or malleable metal. Actually, pencils used to use lead, but they switched to graphite because people would chew on their pencils and give themselves lead poisoning.

Why isn't lead used in pencils anymore?

There has never been any lead in lead pencils. The graphite deposit that produced the first pencils was mistakenly thought to be lead. Chemists pointed out the error but the name stuck.

Adjectives starting with the lettter p that can describe pencils?

Some people like to chew on their pencil as they think. They must think that their pencil is "edible".

Is pencil lead dangerous to eat or touch?

In the USA, they no longer put lead in pencils. It is now graphite - a non-toxic substance.

Is it ok to let my hamster chew on a pencil?

I wouldn't recommend letting your hamster chew on a pencil. While it might seem like a harmless activity, there are a few reasons why it's not a good idea. First, pencils are made with graphite and wood, which could be toxic if ingested. Second, the hard and splintery texture of a pencil could damage your hamster's teeth. Finally, chewing on inedible objects like pencils could lead to pica, a condition where your hamster compulsively ingests non-food items. There are plenty of other, safer chew toys available for hamsters.