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Either will do. Frozen peas are often used as a substitute icepack because they are already cold and very flexible.

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Q: Is it frozen peas or ice for swelling knee?
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How does frozen peas cool down stuff?

When peas are frozen, their like little ice balls.

I have some post operative swelling should I use a hot or cold compress?

Cold compress or ice pack (frozen peas or something else similar).

Swelling above the knee?

ice and see a doctor

How do you reduce swelling after knee arthroscopy?

The two methods for reducing swelling are keeping the limb elevated, preferably above your heart level, and using ice on the swollen area. You can use an ice pack, or just ice in a cloth or in a plastic baggy. Even frozen vegetables can be used as an ice pack.

What if your knee is puffy No pain?

Sounds like a minor internal injury rather like a bruise. If there's no pain, icepack it and consider aspirin/ibuprofen to help reduce the swelling. Ice packs are 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off. Ice is great for swollen knees. If you can't get the ice to comfortably fit the knee, try a package of frozen peas (really -- no joke :} ). If the problem isn't gone or at least greatly reduced in 24 hours, ask again, or check in with your doctor.

How can you stop swelling on top of knee?

Immonbilise it, place ice on it, see a doctor.

What to do with a swelling knee?

To get it back to normal put dry ice on it for ten minutes.

Causes of cold hands?

Ice, cold water, frozen peas, poor circulation.

Does ice help with knee pain?

Yes, ice can help with knee pain. Ice wrapped in a towel and applied for 10-15 minutes can help to reduce knee swelling and pain. When the knee is damaged, you get bleeding into the joint and an increase in the amount of synovial fluid. The ice helps to reduce this. It also helps numb the pain. See this site for more info

How do you you relieve knee pain after a hike?

elevate legs, apply ice, and ibuprophen also helps reduce swelling

Other than ice how can you prevent a bruise?

The best way to prevent a bruise becides ice is to not get injured in the first place. hahaha ok youput somethind frozen on the injured area like peas that are frozen

What is usual way of slowing or reducing inflation?

ice or frozen peas is the best way. keep it on the spot for about en minutes