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Both psychiatry and the law require obtaining a Doctoral degree. Which is harder to get depends on the interests and skills of the indifidual.

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Q: Is it harder to become a psychiatrist or a lawyer?
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You have to go to Medical School to become a psychiatrist.

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Yes, it is quite possible for an individual with cerebral palsy to become a lawyer. This person may have to work harder than most, but with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.

I want to become a psychiatrist. I will obtain my Masters in Psychology this year.?

To become a psychiatrist, one must be an M.D.

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To become a psychiatrist one must first become a medical doctor.

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If you want to be a psychiatrist, then you need to go to medical school.

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You don't have to take civics to become a lawyer.

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18 you have to be at least 18 2 become a lawyer

What subjects do you need to know to become a psychiatrist?


How long does it take to become a Psychiatrist?

Anyone who studies psychology is a psychologist. You can be one of those when you are 10 years old. You want to be a psychiatrist. For that you have to go to about 4-6 years of school after you get your bachelors degree.

What op score do you need to have to become a lawyer?

to become a lawyer you need to get an op of around 9

Do you have to live in a certain area to be a lawyer?

no you can become a lawyer any where doesn't mader were you com from if you what to be a lawyer you can be a lawyer