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Not enough information is given to answer this question completely. As a general rule, yes, it is. Especially if there is some kind of seperation/divorce/child custody order in effect.

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12y ago

Not at all unless it is against the consent of the father. Then the father has right to demand custody unless a civil case is filed.

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11y ago

Do you really need to ask that question? If you do, tell someone to watch over you. You're not too stable.

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Q: Is it illegal for a mother to take her baby out of state?
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If the father is 15 and has rights to his baby can he take the baby out of state with the mother's permission if the mother is 17?


Is it illegal to catch baby ducks?

Yes. Not to mention it is cruel to take a baby away from its mother. However, if you find a lost duckling that is another story.

Can a baby daddy take the mother and his child with him if the mother was kicked out of the house by her parents and can the mother and her child stay with the baby daddy at his parents house?

Unless someone other than the child's parents has legal custody, I see nothing illegal about this.

Can my mom take my paychecks legally in florida?

No, a mother can't take a child's paychecks in Florida or any other state. It is illegal.

If they find marijuana in the baby will they take it?

Yes, a mother who takes drugs while pregnant is committing child abuse. The state can/will take the child.

If a 13 year old girl is pregnant can the state of Virginia take the baby?

If the sate has cause to believe that the baby is not being taken care of properly then they do have the authority to take the baby from the mother and put it in the custody of someone else who is able to take care of it.

How do you get a baby bird out of its nest?

actually don't keep it because it's illegal to keep wildlife without an lincense from the state so be smarter and don't take it . would you want to be taken from your mother? I think not leave it alone it will leave eventually let it live life :)

Is it illegal for a mother and her child to live in a different city then the father?

If there is a custody agreement in place through the courts, the mother cannot take the child out of state without the fathers consent. If there is no agreement in place, the mother does not have to have the fathers consent.

Is it illegal for a father to take a child from the mother and not give the child back?

It would be illegal. He is committing the crime of kidnapping.

What happens when you have a baby?

take care of it and be a good mother

How does a mother take care of baby jellyfish?

They don't.

Can green card holder father take child fro the illegal mother?
