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It is illegal to record employees without their knowledge. It is not illegal to place surveillance cameras in the work place but other covert means like bugging offices are illegal.

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Q: Is it illegal to record employees without their knowledge in Oklahoma?
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Is it illegal to record someone without their knowledge in New Jersey?

To tape someone without their knowledge can be illegal depending on the circumstances. It's illegal to record a private act without knowledge or consent but it's legal to record public acts such as speeches.

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Yes IT IS illegal to video tape someone without their knowledge in North Carolina?

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It is definitely illegal to tape record someone without their knowledge in Maine. This is the case unless otherwise legally stated.

Is it illegal to record someone without their knowledge in New York?

New York makes it illegal to tape record someone unless one party to the conversation consents. In most states it is illegal to records someone without their knowledge.

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No. This is forging a signature and is illegal.

Can you sue someone for covertly taping you at work?

It is illegal to tape someone without their knowledge.

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Without their knowledge-yes and in many cases illegal as well.

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Yes vehicle tracking devices can be used on your vehicle without your knowledge. If you find this to be the case and it was not put there by the police it is illegal.

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That (I'm a doctor) is illegal. Report the doctor to the DEA.

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It is illegal to video anything in someone's home without their knowledge and permission, unless you have court authority, such as with a warrant.

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No, it is no more illegal for a teacher to text a student than to email a student. It would be inappropriate for such to happen without the prior knowledge of the parents of the student, but not illegal.