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no but it is illegal to swear in public, mostly around kids my buddy just got canned for this so it's true.

In the USA its not illegal to say anything to a police officer as long as you say "I think" in front of it (protected by the 1st amendment of the constitution) but if it is illegal to swear by your City/County/State law... i advise against it....

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14y ago
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1mo ago

It is generally not illegal to yell at a police officer unless the behavior constitutes disorderly conduct or obstructing an officer in performing their duties. It is important to remain respectful and calm when interacting with law enforcement to avoid escalation of the situation.

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14y ago

Most likely. Everythings bloody illegal these days

in the USA you can say anything against a Police Officer if you say "I think" in front of it... unless what you are saying is illegal to say by your City/County/State government...

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12y ago

It is not necessarily unlawful to swear at law enforcement officers HOWEVER, you may want to consider the possible consequences of inviting unwanted attention to yourself by doing so.

There are still laws on the books making it illegal to swear in public in many places. Michigan recently enforced the law against a man who swore in the presence of women and children.

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12y ago

no, in England you can go to jail for saying f**k you to a cop

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