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Yes, Its legal to fly it in any state. It's your 1st Amendment right.

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Q: Is it legal to fly the Confederate flag in Pennsylvania?
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What flags do the KKK fly?

Mainly the Southern Confederate Flag

Is it legal to fly a flag from a vehicle?

Yes, it is legal in the US to fly a US, or other flag, from your car. Many people do that.

What groups fly the confederate flag?

The Sons of Confederate Veterans and People who have pride and Love for Dixieland.

Is it legal to fly a confederate flag on private property in missouri?

YesAdded: Exactly WHICH Confederate flag is being referred to? The so-called battle flag - OR - the national emblem of the Confederate States (sometimes referred to as "The Bonnie Blue" - OR - one of the MANY other flags flown and/or used by the individual Confedrate States and/or their military forces?Additional: Is there a citation for reference for the original answer.

Is it illegal to fly the Confederate flag above the American flag?

It is not illegal, but it is against tradition and protocol and would not be proper. The United States flag flies on top, then beneath that the state flag, and then beneath that, the Confederate flag may be flown.

Why is it legal to burn the US flag but not legal to fly it on a pole by your yard?

It is legal to fly the US flag on a pole in your yard, unless you are somehow doing so in a manner that is disrespectful of it.

Does the Confederate flag still fly over the SC capital?

As a resident of SC and to my knowledge the confederate flag does not fly over the capital building. I seem to recall it was moved to the grounds in front of the capital with it's own monument.

Is it legal to fly another country's flag in the US?


Is it legal to fly the NAZI flag in the US?

Yes. A great number of disgusting, distasteful and unpleasant things are legal in the United States, of which the Nazi flag, the ISIS flag and the Confederate flag are only a few. We have this peculiar custom called "Freedom of Speech", enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution. Are you offended by that? Then don't look.

Is it legal in the US to fly a Polish flag on car without the US flag?

It is legal to display any flag in the US. This is a matter of freedom of symbolic speech.

Why was the confederate flag used?

Well I fly it because it symbolizes a governmental system and values I believe in.

Is it illegal to fly the confederate flag?

No, it's not illegal, although some people think it is racist and immoral.