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Q: Is it normal for a wife to loose her love towards her husband after his affair?
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Why is your husband delaying the truth about his affair?

ANSWER:I'm not really sure, but I have some idea of why. Could it be that he is waiting to make sure that he will not loose both his wife and his mistress? It could me his waiting for you to calm down and he knew the hurt he gave you from his affair? there are lots of reason why he is waiting..

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ANSWER:You will loose a lot, you might have this thrill and excitement, but when your love ones discovered your affair, it can go 2 ways. You will loose your wife or husband, and maybe children, the trust will not be there anymore. Or he or she might forgive you but forgetting what you have done will stay. And most of all your life will never be the same anymore..

You are a mother who committed adultry will you loose custody?

As you are more interested in having and enjoying your affair, and you will now find less time for the children. And also you are a very bad example to the children , so you will loose the custody of the children. IMPROVED ANSWER: If your husband divorces you over the adulterous affair, the court will make a determination, based on MANY factors, as to which parent is the best to raise the child an will award custody accordingly. The affair will certainly not go into your plus column but there are many other factors that the court will take into consideration in rendering the award of custody.

Can a spouse get money for cheating?

Are you talking about blackmail? If your husband or wife had an affair and you knew about it you can't really get some money for that. It will look as your getting revenge to the person that betrayed you. Just be careful if you do this it might come back to you and you will loose a lot more.

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Your husband will loose his 5000

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No, it is not normal.

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They dont loose their goalie they pull them and they come to the bench and a normal skater goes on for the team. They dont loose their goalie they pull them and they come to the bench and a normal skater goes on for the team.

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Yes, they are normal and are caused by the pregnancy hormones

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It is normal for them to be loose as they put a bigger bar in them incase they get swollen, when it is healed then you can buy a smaller one but make sure you do not touch it

My husband having affair with another girl. i really love him. i want get him back. i dont want loose him.for this situation how can i deal him.... what can i do to solve this problem.?

hello sister just tell him the fact in a cool way ............ and tell that how you are loving him(if you love somebody show it-express it) FIND OUT THE REASON ..... AND GET RID OUT OF THAT

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