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It's hard to believe, but there are so many people that just don't understand abuse. At one time I knew about abuse and I helped a couple of my girlfriends get out of abusive relationships, but I didn't actually witness it. Then I volunteered for the Abused Women's Center" and had my eyes really opened. It's an experience I am so glad I went through although it ripped my heart out at the same time. Sometimes we have to see the ugly side of life to really get to the core of problems. We can talk about it, even with those that suffer from certain situations, but until you see it with your own eyes and get involved then a person knows nothing. No! It's not normal for friends or family to think that you, as a victim of abuse is just out to get your abuser. If they were educated in abuse they would realize that most of the time the victim is terrified of her abuser, becomes subservient, withdrawn, lacks confidence and doesn't want to wake up the sleeping dragon (tick the abuser off in other words.) Of course you want your feelings validated. Why not! You've been either mentally/physically (or both) abused. Like small children's voices in the wind .... who will listen? Well, the "Abused Women's Center" does. You DON'T NEED VALIDATION FROM ANYONE! When you can, pack a bag and head for that Abused Women's Center in your area. Tell NO ONE where you are. They will put you in a "safe house" or "transition house" and keep you safe, get you on your feet, and, if need be help you with legal counsel. Hon, listen to your inner self. If you are being abused, then you know it! Run when you can. Don't listen to those that aren't there for you and move on from the whole mess. It isn't that family and friends don't care, but perhaps they simply don't understand that abuse is abuse and slapping, shoving, putting a person down is actually abuse. Rule of thumb to go by ... "When someone makes you feel bad 100% of the time it's time to leave them behind!" Good luck Marcy

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Q: Is it normal for friends and family to think that an abuse victim is just out to get her abuser when in reality the victim just wants her feelings validated?
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