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Yes, if they have a nest, they will lay eggs (as long as they aren't too young or old) ...if there's a rooster, he can fertilize those eggs and that is where little chicks come from...if there isn't a rooster around, that's where your omelets come from ;p

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Q: Is it normal that a hen lay eggs even without the contact of a rooster?
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Can a chicken produce a chick without a rooster?

No. A chicken can produce eggs without a rooster but she can not produce a chick without her eggs being fertilized by a rooster.

Can rhode island chickens lay eggs without a rooster?

Yes All chickens will lay eggs without the need for a rooster. All a rooster does is fetilize the eggs, it does not induce the hen to lay an egg, she will do this anyway.

Can you have eggs without a rooster?

A chicken can, yes.

Can you still have healthy chicken eggs without a rooster?

No. The egg won't be fertilized and it will be a yolk. But then again, if you want scrambled eggs, then i guess you can have it without the rooster.

How do you get a hen to lay eggs without a rooster?

No, a hen cannot lay a fertilized egg without exposure to a rooster. However, a hen can lay fertilized eggs up to a week after the male is taken out of the flock.

Can a hen produce eggs without sex?

Absolutely yes. A hen does not need a rooster to produce eggs, she only produces fertile eggs when a rooster is involved. Many farm flocks do not have a rooster among the flock and egg production does not suffer in the slightest. A rooster job is to protect the flock and mate with the hens to produce offspring but the hens will continue to lay eggs with or without him.

What do you mean by unfertilised eggs?

Eggs are fertilized by a rooster, hens do not need a rooster to produce an egg, they will do this with or without mating. Eggs available at the grocery store are produced by hens that never have contact with a male bird. Fresh eggs bought from a farm or roadside stand are likely to have been fertilized since most farms keep a rooster both to protect the hens and to renew stock as the hens age out each year..

Do you need a roster for hens to lay eggs?

No,they lay eggs by them selfs but if you want CHICKS you need a roster to mate with thus they have chicks not eggs the normal ones.No, a hen will lay eggs regardless of there being a rooster so long as she is kept comfortable and happy with a safe quiet place to lay her eggs. A rooster is needed if you want to breed more chickens since he will fertilize the eggs.

Why do hens lay eggs without yolks?

All eggs have yokes, this is the nucleus of the cell. However, hens lay eggs without fetuses inside when the eggs are not fertilized by a male rooster.

Can a hen lay eggs without a rooster and are they safe to eat?

My hens are never left with a cockeral or rooster as I own only hens (except from my chicks) and the eggs are definitely safe! :)

Do you need a rooster for hens to lay?

No. Chickens will lay perfectly good eggs without a rooster. In fact, many people prefer not to keep a rooster, because they don't want to find a fertilized egg that was a little too far along.

Does chicken lay eggs without rooster?

NoAnd it's called "Laying" not "Laying on"Cockerels don't lay eggs, so improve your question by saying "Is there a breed of hen that does not lay eggs.I think he/she was asking if there is a breed of chicken that doesn't go broody, and the answer to that is yes alot of chickens have been bred not to go broody (ex.leghorn)