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No, it is not normal to gain nearly 12 pounds in one day, even if you ate a large meal, unless of course you actually CONSUMED 12 pounds of food, which truly would be remarkable. Yes, there is a way to stop it. Put your fork down sooner. Stop eating large quantities of food, stop eating high fat foods, stop eating before you are full, stop eating before bedtime, drink more water. Exercise more. Only eat when you are hungry, not because it is mealtime or because you are bored or depressed, or upset. There may be other factors that impact weight fluctuation. Water retention can increase weight. This is true, especially among females who can retain water during specific times during the month -- hormones impact this. Also, disease states can also result in keeping additional water in the body -- i.e. congestive heart failure. Time of day that you weigh yourself can impact weight. Depending upon when you eat and/or get rid of body waste materials and when you weigh yourself can also impact weight. Weigh at the same time every time under the same conditions can help get a more accurate account of weight. Clothes and items in your pocket, etc can also increase weight. Alsojare the best ways to maintain or lose weight.

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Q: Is it normal to gain 5.3 kg in one day after eating a large meal and is there a way to stop it?
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