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No it is not. Unless you are a young teen because it can take a couple of years until the menstruation is normal. If you have rapid weight gain (or loss) that in itself can lead to that the menstruation stays away. I would recommend you see a doctor and also take another pregnancy test. If you just took one it could have failed.

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Q: Is it normal to miss your period for 2 months but still feel cramping have light bleeding for a day in those months Even if a pregnancy test was taken after missed period an weight gain is occurring?
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wait it out. a missed period is the best sign of pregnancy. take the test a week or two after your scheduled period, depending on how regular you are.

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If your pregnant, cramping is usual. But if you're not and you missed your period that usually means your pregnant now with a bundle of joy.

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The bleeding is caused by missing the birth control pills and is known as break through bleeding. If you are sexually active you will need to take the morning after pill to prevent pregnancy from occurring. Meanwhile, use a back up method of protection for 14 days to prevent pregnancy from occurring and continue taking birth control daily as normal.

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There is NO such thing as a "missed miscarriage". You're either "pregnant" or "not pregnant". You can have a threatened miscarriage, but not a missed one. You cannot "flush out" pregnancy hormones; in fact, drinking lots of water only dilutes the urine more.Go to a doctor for a blood test and exam. These will be the most reliable.

If you have negative pregnancy test with missed period and bleeding are you pregnant?

Unlikely - the bleeding probably was your period

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Cramping, nausea, and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. These symptoms, along with tender, swollen breasts, and frequent urination are the first signs of pregnancy, after a missed period.

Does cramping with a missed period necessarily be a sign of pregnancy?

it could be but may not be the best thing to do is see a doctor

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licking my johno

Is abnormal spotting a sign of conception?

Yes & no. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy that is red & accompanied with excessive cramping is a indication of a threatened miscarriage. However during early pregnancy spotting is very common but you should still report it to your doctor to be on the safe side.

How many weeks in pregnancy do you start getting cramps and aching?

Some women experience mild cramping and increased vaginal discharge soon after their missed period, others may not have any cramping.

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I have the same things and I have pcos. Possibly you are having implantation bleeding. Get a blood test done.

Spotting and cramping after missed period?

If have missed a normal period, and have experienced spotting and cramping that isn't like your normal flow, taking a pregnancy test is recommended. It is relatively common in early pregnancy to have spotting and cramping from the fertilized egg burrowing into your uterine lining. If it comes back negative, don't fret. Major changes can affect your menstrual cycle, from changes in birth control, exercise habits and even stress, to name a few.