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Q: Is it normal to spot brown with implantation bleeding?
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What color is implantation bleeding or spotting?

Answer The colour can be red/pink/brown and it can be a spot or blood in discharge really. It can be stringy or thick. Hope I help Pink Princess

Could brownish discharge for 4 days and one spot of blood be implantation?

Yes; it could be implantation bleeding. Do a test.

Its supposed to be my TOM but I only have spot bleeding and its dark brown what is wrong?

this may be implantation bleeding. i would take a pregnancy test if your period does not get heavier. or it may be a light period. who knows? i bet you're scared now.

I'm spotting a week before my period. Does this mean im pregnant?

Yes, it's completely normal to spot before menstruation. Your period doesn't have an on/off switch, it will start light with a little blood leaving your body and mixing with discharge so can be brown or pink rather than red, this will typically occur a few days before your period starts. It's also normal to get spotting up to two weeks before your period as a result of ovulation.

What is the difference between implantation bleeding and mentrual period?

During implantation bleeding, it is only a little spot of blood or a few little spots. You only need a pantyliner for it, not a tampon or sanitary towel. It only lasts for a day

What is implantation bleeding and how soon can you get it?

When the fertilised egg (zygote) burrows into the wall of the uterus (implantation) it my cause a little bleeding, not more than a spot or two. This usually occurs 6-10 days after ovulation and fertilisation, so anything from a week before a period is due up until the period. About 25% of women have implantation bleeding.

Can you have implantation bleeding 7 days after fertilization and again around the time of your period?

yes that's if you got a spot of blood then yes

Is it possible to spot light brown for 4-5 days while still nursing or could this be implantation bleeding?

Light brown is old blood hun. This can be a sign of pregnancy or caused by a hormonal imbalance. I would do a pregnancy test and if it is negative see your doctor about a blood test.

Can implantation bleeding be heavy?

yep, but i heard it still should be lighter than your normal menstrual, if you truly expect pregnany get the bleeding checked out for possibility of a misscarraige answer that's wrong that's just a period while pregnant. Implantation bleeding is a tiny bit of blood which will always stay light its nothing like a period and it doesn't follow a period pattern neither. Implantation bleeding is rare not every women gets it but also Implantation bleeding can look different for every girl who has it cause we all have different bodies. My implantation bleeding lasted 1 day which was string pink blood in my discharge. Implantation bleeding can last 1-3 days it can be a spot of blood or blood in discharge its tiny bit of blood you can hardly notice it so I wouldn't say it gets heavy or nothing like a period I think people are getting it wrong and that's why people are thinking Implanation bleeding is just like a period WHEN ITS NOT. FROM PINK PRINCESS

I never spot but am trying to conceive and had brownish discharge after three days of trying Could this be implantation bleeding?

Yes, it could be. Take a test

Do you have blood clots in implantation bleeding?

Blood clots can be implantation bleedingThere can be very tiny small clots. it's alright though no harm done. because i had that whenever i had implantation bleeding! AnswerI didn't but every girl is different Implantation can look different to any other girl who has it. Implantation bleeding is nothing like a period by the way.From the asker:Thanks alot, i was having trouble trying to find out what was happening to me. I had the brown discharge, nothing at all like blood, the cramps and it came down a few days before my period. I had unprotected sex a week before this happened and i was not sure if i was really going through implantation bleeding. I had all the signs, but the small clots freaked me OUT!!! Thanks alot for the answer, it was very useful.Ill take a test in 2 weeks to be sure

When does implantation begin?

Well I've had the implant in for 2 and a half years now and I've not had a spot of blood during thing time up until now and I've had cramps and had implantation bleeding, so it can occure any time.