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Your body can always use vitamins. it is helpful to find out how your body is doing, by asking your doctor. they usually have blood tests that can give them an idea of what vitamin would be best for your growing body. Also if you are a vegan or vegetarian, you may need more of certain vitamins. I would say that it is definitely not going to hurt you, but you could get constipated or feel different things going on in your body. It never hurts at any age to take Omega 3 pills. Also if you are a tense person or you have some anxiety its helpful to take a vitamin B complex tab. Also it's easy to ask your pharmacist at your local pharmacy, such as CVS, Walgreens etc. I continued to take flinstone vitamins up until my 20's unless my doctor said something else. then i would either add or change to that vitamin or to a different brand. If you have had a child, which you hopefully have waited, you will need different vitamins. Overall, it can't hurt you to take the Woman's One a Day vitamins. they just usually have some things you wouldn't need yet. I would just take Omega3 tabs, a Vitamin B complex and a regular store brand multivitamin. You don't need most of the things in the One A day yet. Hope that helped :)

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Q: Is it ok to take one a day womens vitamins at seventeen?
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What color is one a day womens vitamins?

one a day womans color is white

What will happen if a boy takes one a day womens?

nothing, you will be fine. the only difference is the proportions in the vitamins. No hormones are present in the pills.

Why does a person need to take in vitamins through foods each day?

A person needs to take in vitamins through foods each day for optimum health. Vitamins are essential to nourish and repair cells in the body.

What are 1 of the best vitamins to take?

1 A Day

How Many vitamins in Vitamin A are you supposed to have in a day?

if you buy the tablets or packaged vitamins it will tell you on the bottle how many to take for 1 day.

How do you use the word vitamins in a sentence?

My doctor has recommended a vitamin that I do not recognize.

How many Swanson vitamins are you supposed to take a day?

It would be best to ask your doctor on how many you should take a day. It would also depend on how many different varieties of vitamins you are taking per day, as to how many you can take.

Why do many people take vitamins every day?

because they do

Is it safe to take more then 2 vitamins in a day?

No it isn't

When the right time to take your one a day vitamins?

In the morning after you have had your breakfast.

How do you take vitamins with Keflex?

one tablet a day throught the mouth.

Is it healthy to take vitamins every day?

Yes, vitamins should be taken everyday for what you're not getting in your food. Just make sure you take the vitamins after you've at so the dissolve more easily.