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It will do no harm; usually the kittens are weaned before the mother is spayed.

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Q: Is it okay for a spayed mother to let her kittens nurse?
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Mother cat got lost for four days is it okay to let her nurse the kittens now that she has returned?

I would say yes, unless it appears she is injured or not interested at all in feed the kittens...

Your cat had babies and she won't feed them what can you do to make her let them eat?

You can't make the mother cat feed the kittens. Sometimes a mother cat won't lie down to let the kittens nurse because she wants something from her owners. Has she been following you or meowing around you lately?There's another possibility that she has no milk. I strongly suggest to bring her and her kittens to a vet to see that everything is okay. For the time being, you will have to feed the kittens yourself. Use an eyedropper or a small baby bottle. Hope this helps.

Is it okay for your kids to touch baby kittens?

as long as they are genlty patting (not hitting) and the mother cat is not upset by the children touching the kittens i dont see why not Make sure they dont touch them until the kittens' eyes are open otherwise the mother might get mad and could stop taking care of them .

Will the kittens be okay is the mother and father are sister and brother?

Though inbreeding is not as much a problem for cats as it is for humans, continued inbreeding will eventually start to affect the genes and may make disabled kittens.

Will my cat be okay if she has her kittens and I am not there?


I already have cats will they be all right with the new mother and her kittens?

It would be best not to mix them. Most depends on two things, One, the sex of the other cats. If your other cats are female, even one, you have a serious problem. Two, make sure they are all spayed and neutered. If you only have males and they are spayed, you should be okay, but you still need to keep a close watch. The only time it is good to do something like this is when you save an animal from death.

How do you tell the mother cat is going to be okay in kitten birth?

If the cat looks healthy, and if you see her cleaning and feeding her kittens, that is a good sign.

Is it okay to rub or tickle a kittens tummy?

No, some kittens might like for us to rub or tickle their tummy, but most kittens do not. They feel uncomftorble and insecure when you do.

Both of your cats have had kittens they won t stay in separate boxes is it ok for them and kittens to share a big box?

It depends if they are all diffrent ages then it is not okay but if they are all the same age it would be okay.

Is it okay if kittens are born under a bed they have been under there almost a month and I've only heard them cry twice.?

Generally the mother cat will go off to a secluded area to have her kittens and she has obviously has chosen to have her litter of kittens under the bed. As long as she is going under the bed to feed them then they should be fine. However, at a month they should be out and walking about so make up a bed (or put a cushion with an old blanket on it) and take the kittens and put them there and watch to be sure the mother cat is tending to their needs.

The mother dog just ate one of her dead puppies is it ok for her to nurse the other puppies?

NO it is not okay separate the puppies from the mother. Yes, just like a human mother they eat food, they get more milk and for the mother dog she gets twice more milk in her breasts

Is it safe to keep the first litter of kittens with the second litter of kittens?

It would depend on how far apart the litters were born. If they were born fairly close together, it might be okay. Otherwise, no. The younger kittens could not handle the roughhousing the older kittens are used to.