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NO!!! it will die. don't do it get a hamster cage its the best thing u can get some for a fiver or tenner.

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Q: Is it okay to keep a dwarf hamster in a cleaned out fish tank?
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Related questions

What sorts of hamster can you keep together?

Dwarf hamsters get on well together :)

Can you have a normal hamster and a dwarf in the same cage?

You shouldn't keep a dwarf in a cage.

Can you put your 7 month old dwarf hamster with a new six week old dwarf hamster?

If they are both female yes. Keep all males alone in a cage.

Is elmer's glue okay for dwarf hamsters?

No, keep glue away from your hamster

How do you keep your cat from trying to eat your Dwarf Hamster?

lock ur cat in somewhere

When can you put the male hamster together with the other hamster again?

you can never put them together because they will just keep fighting. if it is a dwarf hamster then you can put two female's together.

Which one is better Syrian hamster or dwarf hamster?

the difference between a dwrf hamster and a regular hamster is the dwarf hamster will stay the same size wbut the regular hamster will keep gtrowing---- Well normally a dwarf is a lot smaller and a lot less sturdier. A dwarf is good for a fourteen year old and a reg. one is good for a nine year old. They both make awesome pets! You can be happy with either one.

What do you do if you just cleaned out your pregnant dwarf hamsters cage and she may be in labor without a nest?

what you do is you get a little tub (like what you put your extras food in) You have to hurry but get some of the hamsters shavings in the tub and place your hamster gently in the tub plus: do not keep the babies in the same cage as the other mothert hamster mother may eat babies

What does it mean if you put a male dwarf hamster with a female dwarf hamster that already had babies?

Don't leave two hamsters together in the same enclosure - they will fight, even if they seem fine together when they are little. Keep them in separate enclosures and ask a specialist if you want to breed them.

Can you have a goldfish and a Chinese dwarf hamster at the same time?

Yes .... Hamsters are Awesome.... Goldfish are boring you need a little bit of both in your life there to much of the same just make sure that u keep the hamster in a cage not a fish bowl or you"ll drown it (because u seem like you need a lot of help)

If your dwarf hamster got tangled up in his wheel what can you do until you can take him to the vet?

Try to keep him calm and stop any bleeding that he may have. Talk to your hamster with soft, soothing voices to keep it calm. Don't put ice on it. It will just shock the hamster even more and will be under lots of stress.

Can you keep tetras and guppies with dwarf angelfish?

Yes. Tetras, guppies and angelfish can coexist in one fish tank. Keep in mind that Angel fish will get territorial when they are mating.