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Avoid it because flavoured yoghurt means it contains sugar. And sugar causes breakouts on your skin.

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Q: Is it okay to use flavored yogurt on your skin?
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What can you use instead of yogurt?

You can use Sour Cream of Mayonnaise as a substitute of yogurt.

What's the best natural substance to use for face moisturizer?

This may depend on your skin type but some of the best and most recommended natural substances for facial moisturizer are: honey, yogurt and papaya. All without impurities or processing of course! Yogurt and papaya will help cleanse also as they condition your skin and honey is well known to be great nourishment for skin and hair.

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Sour Yogurt

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You have vulvular itching that comes and goes and you have real sensitive skin are there any home treatments you can use?

try putting plain yogurt on it. Trust me, this works.

Can you use lemon to make yogurt starter?

Yes, you can use lemon to make yogurt starter.

Is fungi use to make yogurt?

no bacteria are used to make yogurt

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Can you use nonfat yogurt to make homemade frozen yogurt?

Of course! sure You can use any type of yogurt you want. Nonfat yogurt would even make it more healthy! Good job! :)

Can you feed your 7 month old dog yogurt?

Yogurt is a great baby food. It contain lots of high quality protein, plenty of calcium, and beneficial bacteria. It is appropriate to offer yogurt to babies generally after six months of age, and then only as a supplement to formula or breast milk, not as a replacement. You indicate that you would like to try yogurt in this manner, which is fine. Choose the plain, full fat yogurt. Babies do not need the added sugar of the flavored variety. If your baby does not care for the yogurt plain, try adding a little mashed fruit such as banana, applesauce or papaya.

Can you make yogurt cheese with nonfat yogurt?

yes, yogurt can be made with yogurt of any fat content, but do not use yogurt that contains gelatin. the gelatin holds everything together, which keeps the yogurt whey from draining off.

What foods taste like yogurt?

There is not another food known to taste like yogurt. Though there are a few that use yogurt, frozen yogurt, yogurt covered raisins, and pretzels are the most popular.