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Yes! It's also possible for him to get a mouse pregnant just after she gives birth too.

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Q: Is it possible for your male to get both your mice pregnant in the same week?
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Do dad mice make the nests?

Yes, both male and female mice create nests. They create them for their babies if their a female or to become warm if their a male. Or sometimes females create a nest if one of her female friends are pregnant.

Why do pregnant mice hit the male mice?

Male mouse is more aggressive and always press for mating. This makes female mouse offensive towards male.

What are mice testicles?

Male sexual organs which produce sperm. Sperm are what fertilise a female's egg as a result of sexual intercourse.

Are mice asexual?

No, rats have intercourse to have babies, and there are both male and female rats.

Can a female mice breed without a male?

No, the only way is if you get a female from the pet store already pregnant.

What should you do to the male mice well the female mice gave birth?

The male should have been separated from the female before she gave birth. But if you didn't do that, then the male should be separated before the female is done giving birth because females go into postpartum estrus (heat) after giving birth and can become pregnant again immediately. If the male is with her after giving birth, then she is most likely pregnant again. Back to back pregnancies can possibly kill the female or lead to babies less likely to survive.

Your mice are eating each other?

yep and if you think they have got them take them to a vet but remember there is not much hope of them surviving separate them and get them sexed ( male or female) if both male they will fight and if male and female they are probably mateing if both female i dont know why

Does a dad care for baby mice?

Male mice will not care for the baby mice but they will eat the babies.

How do you make pet mice or rats have babies?

Mice mate by a male sticking it's penis into a female mices vagina and a sperm meets up with an egg cell and forms a sniffing each other and getting to know each other

I bought female and male mice and i have been trying to breed but its been a while now and she is still not pregnant. should i be conserned?

do you have a male there too because one female mouse can't breed if there is no male in the cage? maybe they are fighting.... or maybe the pet store or you got the breeds mixed up....maybe its a male or something. IF IT HASN'T BEEN 21 DAYS AND SHE HASN'T GIVEN BIRTH OR IS PREGNANT OR LOOKS PREGNANT......GET ANOTHER FEMALE MOUSE AND HOPEFULLY IT WILL BREED.

Are mice Teritorial?

Male mice are Teritorial only if 1. there is another male mouse in his cage Or 2. if there is a moter mouse with babys

What do you feed pregnant mice?

Mouse food.