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How do you know you want to get sponcer?

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Q: Is it possible that i get sponcer from my parent in the US if im a married person?
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Is it possible for a 17-year-old girl to marry a 27-year-old man in the state of Georgia?

If a person in Georgia is underage (either 16 or 17), they can get married if their parent/custodial guardian signs a consent form. If the parent/guardian refuses to sign the form, the underage person cannot get legally married. A person can get married without parental consent at the age of 18 in Georgia. Honestly, it's not the most sensible idea to get married at such a young age.

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If person married to your brother is a woman? She is your Sister-in-Law.

How long can one parent keep a child away from another parent when still married?

1. person who has custody is responsible for the child's well being in every sense mentally, emotionally, physically, needs, wants and etc! Whether your the bio-parent or not! If these parents are a bad influence or dangerous then I would say YES! Keep them away! But if these parents are good and only want to know the child I would have supervised visits only! You as the primary caregiver (custody) must make the best decisions for your child in your care!

What happens if a mononymous person gets married?

Mononymous is not a word, it is possible you meant anonymous. It is not possible for an anonymous person to get married. Every person has a name, and both parties must put their name on the marriage certificate, in order to have a legal marriage.

Can an underage person with one legal parent get married in a church?

It depends on the church. The underage person person will need parental permission to get a marriage license, which is necessary to get married.

What happens when a newly married person takes off with the child without permission and Not tell the other parent where they are?

Better get a good lawyer.

Can you love one person for the rest of your life?

Yes, it is possible. Many married people do that actually.

Your blood type is o plus your babies a plus is this normal?

yes it is possible if one person in parent with A blood group

When will you get married?

Anytime after you find the right person and you are financially able to care for yourselves and any possible children.