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Q: Is it possible to have gray hair at age 12?
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When do you start getting gray hair?

Some have gray hairs as young as the age of 12, so for people, there hasn't been a set age on getting them.

Is tiara really 12?

no she is 5 and she is dead with gray hair

What is a good age to dye your hair?

58 when your hair starts turning gray? it depends... some people have gray streaks when they're like 12 and some lucky people get to wait until they're 40 or 50. i don't recommend dyeing your hair when your like 14 because dyeing just ruins your hair quality. it makes it all coarser and everything but... it depends on YOU!

12 years old with 1 inch pubic hair?

Pubic hair can start growing from the age of 10, and having hair at the age of 12 is totally normal.

Should 12 year old's dye their hair?

. I am 12 years old and I think that a 12 year old should be able to express their style, I want my hair dyed black with really light blond and purple highlights. I do NOT recommend dyeing your hair more than twice at a young age because when you get older, the more gray hair you will encounter. well to submit, yes, they should.

What are the Vitamin supplements to reverse gray hair?

Vitamin B 12 is thought to help reverse gray hair. Folic acid is another nutrient that helps to prevent and possibly reverse gray hair. There are many hair tonics purported to reverse grey hair. Chinese herbal combinations have been used for hundreds of years with some success.

Why does she have long gray streaks of hair?

if you are talking about Stacy London, then they are natural she got them when she was 11, or 12

What is the average age of hair dying?


What age do you have to be to get scene hair because im 12 and i really want scene hair or emo hair soooo bad?

You don't have to be a certain age. there isn't an age limittt.....

How do you grow facial hair faster and thicker at age 12?

If you have already got facial hair at age 12 you have started puberty very early. You cannot make hair grow faster than it is.

Reason for silver hairs in teenage?

There are several reasons for gray hair and these vary from one person to another pending on one's age. The most common reason is heredity, the other big reason for graying hair is the environment, a recent study indicates that smokers are 4 times more likely to become prematurely gray (or bald). Among younger people, vitamin B-12 deficiency, thyroid imbalance, anemia or viruses can also lead to gray hair.

How long would a person's hair be at the age of 15 if it was 12 inches long at the age of 10?

Hair grow half an inch a month which means it grows 6 inches a year. So your hair will be approximately 18 inches in this length of time. If you keep it in very good condition this length is possible but everyones hair grows differently.