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Yes, if you are a stupid, abussing of alcohol! >:O

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Q: Is it possible to have memory loss caused by alcohol without having a hangover?
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What characteristic in alcohol causes the typical symptom of the hangover?

Alcohol is a diuretic, and most of the hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration.

How is a hangover caused?

Most common cause is dehydration because the alcohol displaces water in the bloodstream.

Which is the only way a person can be sure to prevent a hangover?

The best way to avoid and prevent a bad hangover is to limit alcohol consumption. If you have an occasion that alcohol will be consumed in great quantities, the best way to avoid a hangover (which is caused by dehydration) is to consume plenty of water with the alcoholic beverages.

How does alcohol cause hangover?

Dehydration is the main reason you're left with a sensitive head in the morning. The nausea is generally caused by a low blood sugar level, and you're usually irritated because alcohol is a depressant drug.

How do you relieve a red wine headache?

The best way to relieve a hangover is drink plenty of water. Hangovers are caused by dehydration from the alcohol.

Why someone cannot sleep during hangover?

A person may not be able to sleep during a hangover because they have an excessive migraine. This may also be caused by a rise in body temperature due to the alcohol content in the body.

Why does the body lose more water than it needs to in a hangover?

hangover are usually caused by lack of water due to all the alcohol so just drink plenty of water.sugar water is too good (potentially better).

Will drinking water after drinking tequila help dilute it or just cause more problems?

Drinking water after any alcohol won't 'dilute' it, but it does ease the next morning's hangover by keeping the body hydrated. Most hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration, and those that aren't are aggravated by it.

Why do we get hangovers?

The cause of a hangover is that you are dehydrated. Alcohol causes dehydration. The best way to combat this is, if you are going to drink alcohol, to drink a glass of water per alcoholic drink.

Why do you get a hangover with lager and not real ale or Guinness?

Your question is based on a supposition that is not proven. A person can get a hangover from any alcoholic beverage. Despite many urban legends to the contrary, hangovers are caused by your body's reaction to alcohol, which is a poison, in too great a quantity. There is some belief/evidence that certain drinks may be more likely to cause a hangover than others, and this is related to the organic byproducts in those drinks. Generally speaking, it seems that clear liquors like vodka provoke less hangover than wine, whiskey, or beer. The higher the alcohol content of your drinks, the more risk there is of hangover. Also, some people are much more prone to hangover symptoms than others. Drinking more water with your drinks also helps avoid hangover as a major cause is dehydration. But you can get a hangover from any of these, including real ale or guinness. Sounds like someone is spreading an old wives tale here.

Why do greasy breakfasts cure hangovers?

A greasy breakfast will sometimes cure a hangover because the stomach is usually empty after a night out drinking. Eating and getting the stomach full helps to quell the acid in the stomach caused by the alcohol.

Why does having a beer when your hungover make you feel better?

Drinking alcohol can temporarily relieve hangover symptoms by numbing the body's response to inflammation caused by drinking alcohol. However, this relief is only temporary and can actually prolong the hangover in the long run by further dehydrating the body and increasing the overall toxic load on the liver. It's generally recommended to opt for water and electrolyte-rich drinks to rehydrate and help alleviate hangover symptoms.