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Yes, for example my grandmother when she was pregnante with my uncle she had her period all thru out her pregnance but she couldn't understand why her Tommy was still growing so she went to the doctor and he told her the she was pregnant with twins and that one had passed but the other was still very much alive and well.


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Q: Is it possible to have to full periods and be pregnant And if so could it mean that you had a miscarriage of one of the babies?
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Can you have a miscarriage at 35 weeks pregnant?

Yes, there are babies who die this late. If you go into labor it's premature labor though and not miscarriage.

What are the chances of of a woman getting pregnant if she has irregular periods?

the same as someone who has regular periods. having periods, in general, means that your body can have babies.

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Hi there no she not pregnant she has miscarriage its mean no babies i really felt bad for her i'm so sorry for her she is my favorite actress

What are 20 babies called?

A miscarriage.

Can human babies get pregnant?

That is not possible. at times you get fetus inside the baby. That is congenital defect.

How do women lose their babies when there pregnant?

Through miscarriage or induced miscarriage aka abortion. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester and then it's usually because the embryo is healthy and will not make it anyway so the body rejects it. If it's abortion it's either by medicine or surgery.

Last month you delivered twin babies in 21st week and both the babies died after one month again you got your periods there anychance to get pregnant again My delivery is normal?

Im sorry if that happens but yes! after being pregnant you have a 80% higher chance of getting pregnant for your first year!

Will taking lorcets hurt a pregnant woman's baby?

yes it will cause birth deformities in the babies chest and facial region. Can also cause downs and spinal meningitis, stillbirth, and miscarriage

How do you tell the difference between a miscarriage and a threatened miscarriage?

A miscarriage means you have definitely lost the baby, there is usually lots of cramping and clots. A threatened miscarriage means just that, you are still pregnant but may miscarry in the future. Any spotting while pregnant can be called a threatened miscarriage and many women go on to have healthy babies. If you still have signs of pregnancy like swollen and sore breasts it is probably just a threatened miscarriage. Most doctors will order an ultrasound scan to tell for sure. I should think that a blood test (Quantitative HCG) would be more reliable than ultrasound. Levels are decreased in the case of miscarriage, threatened &/incomplete abortion, & if the fetus is dead.

Is it possible to be pregnant with 9 babies?

Sure, with an 'in vitro' pregnancy, but that doesn't mean that they will all go full term.

Can you have babies if partner has discoid lupus?

Yes, it is possible to become pregnant if either or both partners have discoid lupus.

Can you be pregnant if your period was a week late it was heavy for a week then 3 days of spotting and next month you havent gotten your period?

Yes, you can. As a matter of fact some woman have periods throughout their pregnancy. That is why people have babies without knowing they were pregnant. Either they continue to have periods or think they are beginning menopause.