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too much democracy an be done...but at times its not good....because..... at times when people donot have nay idea about what is democracy and how the person is....they end up in electing the wrong leader...a real lader comes out notrecquired to be elected..

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Q: Is it possible to have too much democracy in a country?
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With 300 million people in the US, it is not possible to have a Direct Democracy. The number is just too great to work.

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Democracy happened in Athens when the king got too much power. They moved from a monarchy to an aristocracy and then to a direct democracy.

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The first country to establish participatory democracy is the United States of America. The second country do this too was France. They're not really a true democracy but there isn't any country, today nor has there ever been (except for Greece that had votes for every single issue that came up), with a true, full democracy. Although, the first civilization to have a democracy was Greece. Athens was the first city-state to establish a participatory democracy.

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In a direct democracy, there is a risk of majority tyranny where the rights of minorities may be disregarded. Direct democracies can also be slow and inefficient in decision-making due to the need for constant public input and participation. Additionally, citizens may lack the expertise or time to make informed decisions on complex issues, leading to potential policy mistakes.

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I believe that is gramatically right if you say,"Is it possible to have TOO much good luck"

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Yes it is possible to eat too much. The stomach has a limit in terms of capacity that it can hold. However, it is possible to overeat which is not healthy.

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No, it is not possible to clean a CD player to much.

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The people from the branch get vetoed

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Yes, it is possible. If you eat or drink too much of anything you can die.

What are facts about about democracy?

Democracy is a form of government where power is vested in the people who exercise it directly or through elected representatives. It promotes equality, freedom of speech, and the protection of individual rights. Democracy allows for peaceful transitions of power through free and fair elections, fostering political participation and accountability.

Is America the only country with a democracy?

Pretty much every country in Europe is now a democracy, except for Belarus, and Russia which is in the limbo between democracy and dictatorship. Most countries in the Americas are now democracies too, apart from Cuba, although some like Haiti, Venezuela and Bolivia are quite weak. India has 1.2 billion people under the roof of democracy - so does Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country. Also Japan, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Phillipines, Thailand and Malaysia. Democracy is fairly limited in the Middle East, apart from Israel and too a lesser extent Turkey and Lebanon. Democracy is also limited in Africa, apart from a few such as South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and also Mali, Ghana and Benin. Some African countries like Tanzania, Kenya and Senegal are also in the limbo.