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Ask the bride if it is ok, unless you want it to be a surprise. Then, ask the groom if it is ok.

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Q: Is it proper etiquette to have a bridal shower if the wedding is private?
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Is it proper to have a bridal shower for a second wedding?

Yes it is etiquette to have a bridal shower for a second wedding.

Is it proper wedding etiquette to send out bridal shower invitations?

Ideally, the bridal shower would be held 1-2 months before the wedding, but there is nothing wrong with it being held more in advance, or less, provided that the bride can attend.

Is it proper etiquette to send a wedding invitation to the priest who will marry you?

Yes. It is proper etiquette, although it is also common for them to decline (but that probably depends on your relationship with him/her).

Is it proper etiquette to send a wedding gift if you are not on the guest list?

If you have not been invited to the wedding then you should not send a gift.

What is appropriate etiquette for a funeral in Switzerland?

If the burial is private in Switzerland it considered proper etiquette to publish the obituary after the funeral. If the burial is to be made public, the proper etiquette is to publish an obituary a few days before the funeral.

Is it proper to send wedding invitations for a third wedding using email?

No, it is not proper etiquette to send weddinginvitations by email if it is a large wedding. If you are having a small wedding and it's casual then you could send a card invitation by email.

Can you invite guests to bridal shower if they are not invited to the wedding due to venue constraints?

You can, of course, but a great deal of tact will be required since it's only human nature for those not invited to the wedding to wonder how you reached the decision to invite others and not them.On the other hand, there could be resentment if you invite friends to neither the shower nor the wedding!One idea might be to make it a special shower, maybe with champagne and good finger food, and explain privately to each person not invited to the wedding how bad you feel at not being able to fit everybody in, but there simply isn't room.Perhaps you could give them, privately again, a small gift - a keepsake - of the wedding and suggest that once you're settled following the honeymoon, you'll give a simple, intimate party just for them. Do this before the wedding, otherwise it might appear to some that you feel they're upset and are simply trying to pacify them.

Should you have a wedding shower for a couple that is having a private ceremony?

It is proper etiquette to only invite people to the shower who will also be invited to the wedding. If the couple is having a private ceremony with only family, then only invite family to the shower. If they are eloping and not inviting anyone, it would be safest not to have a shower because those at the shower would be expecting a wedding invitation.

What is the proper equitte for inviting people who are not going to be going to a wedding?

* Whether some guests are going to a wedding or not it is etiquette to send them a wedding invitation as some people are sentimental and will keep the invitation.

Is it proper etiquette to hug an Archbishop?

Not unless he is a close family member, and the setting is private or very informal.

What is proper etiquette when a wedding invitation states your presence is the only gift required?

Bring a card or small token gift.

Why do they make pants?

So children can learn to cover up their private parts, and they are also learning proper public etiquette.