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I don't know much about depakote, but unless this nine year old weighs about 300 pounds, 30mg of daytrana is FAR too much. Im 18 years old, 5'8 and around 160, and even 20 mg for me is too much- i went down to 15. Daytrana is a patch, so it delivers the drug (Ritalin; a stimulant almost congruent to amphetamine) directly into the blood. Even though it is in a controlled amount ( 1-4 mg per hour), the effects of Daytrana are more noticeable and intense than pretty much any other kind of Ritalin. I don't know this 9 year old kid, but i know that Ritalin affects everyone in almost the same way, and 30 mg in a patch-form is extremely high. A good alternative to daytrana is concerta, in which the 36 mg dose would be more than safe for this kid. 30 mg daytrana patches have about 80 mg of Ritalin on them, so if he accidentally left it on for too long, it could get dangerous.

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Q: Is it safe for 9 yr old to take 250mg Depakote and 30mg of daytrana?
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