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Safe enough that women everywhere use this form of birth control. I do not agree with this statement. Many gynos will not even use this form of Birth Control anymore due to the severe sideeffects. Unlike other forms of birth controls which you can either remove or stop taking if there are side effects, with the depo you have to let it run its course. I took two 3 month shots and had a period for two months straight and have not had a period for 8 months (my last shot ran out 7 months ago) now I am 23 and my body has stopped ovulating. I have to go see a specialist to determine how to start again. (without more provera) I went from having normal regular periods to this. I have heard so many of the same stories. So I have to very much disagree with that statement.

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Q: Is it safe not to have a period on the depo?
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Can you get the Depo-Provera on the 5th day of your period?

Yes, you can get depo provera on the fifth day of your period. If you start within the first seven days of your period, Depo Provera is immediately effective.

I miss my period on depo after the second shot could I be pregnant?

It is common to have no period when using Depo Provera.

Can you be pregnant one depo shot then 2months no period?

It is highly unlikely to get pregnant on the depo provera. And if you are worried because you have not had a period in two months that is normal for the depo shot. It is made to stop your period

What happends if your on the depo shot for 2months and then have a period?

I was on depo, and I would always get my period 2 months on 2 months off. Until I didnt get my period no more.

Can a woman get her first depo shot 6 days after her period your is it to late?

Can a woman get her firs depo shot 6 days after her period?

Do you get a period after your first depo shot?

it is not a period it is heavy spotting.

When you stop taking depo when should you get your period back?

my friend stopped takin depo 7 months ago and is still waiting for a period

Do you have to wait until your period is over to get your depo shot?

No, actually my nurse has told me that it is better to get on the depo when you are on your period. It causes it to stop, and it is effective quicker.

Does a person who takes depo shot get there period normally like when they were not using depo?

Not usually. Most women do not experience periods while on Depo.

Is it normal to have your period the hole year while on depo?

I have no idea what depo is, but anything that makes you have your period for that long can't be good for you. Maybe consult a doctor

When does your period become regular after stopping Depo-Provera?

Some women have a regular period immediately after stopping depo, and for others it may take 18 months. The average is 11 months.