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Q: Is it safe to apply honey in the ear as an antibiotic?
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Can you use neosporin in the entry of the ear canal?

It is safe to use neosporin in the entry of the ear canal, because the ear is lined with skin. Most MD's would rather you use an antibiotic. If you are a chronic q-tip user, you should lay off and let your natural ear wax build up to protect the inner ear and help drain water, that's what it's there for. Recommended or not, it is safe to use neosporin. However, be careful not to put it too far into the ear.

What is a liquid antibiotic that begins with the letter B?

Biaxin is a liquid antibiotic that is used to treat middle ear infections.

Is it safe to give a dog Keflex?

So long as your veterinarian has prescribed it, yes it is safe for your dog. Keflex is the trade name of cephalexin, a common cephalosporin antibiotic used to treat minor infections such as skin or ear infections in dogs.

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Why do rabbits get ear infectoin?

Usually if a rabbit has an ear infection, it has had some sort of cold. Unless you are talking about an infection from a scratch. They can scratch their ear and it can become (the scratch itself) infected, treatment would include some sort of antibiotic ointment for the scratch. Treatment for the ear infection caused by a cold would include antibiotic shots and ear drops.

Is it true hot water gets rid of an ear infection?

No, and putting hot water in your ear can damage your ear. It can cause burns and blisters inside the ear. To get rid of an ear infection, you need a prescription antibiotic (usually ear drops) from a physician.

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What is Otomix used for in medical service?

Although there were no results for Otomix, there were some for Otomax. Otomax is an ear antibiotic for dogs. It is used to treat bacterial ear infections of the outer ear of dogs.

Do honey bees get ear wax?

No , and they don't shave their legs , either.

What is cephalexin use for?

Upper respiratory, ear and skin infections caused by bacteria

Tobramycin -dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension used as ear drops?

Yes. Any eye prescription eye drop can be used for ear drop if your doctor indicates that is what they want you to do with it. Usually in conjunction with an oral antibiotic and typically for an outer ear infection.