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I would probably consult your Dr.. The urine of guniea pigs and hamsters have a very high ammonia content.

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Q: Is it safe to clean a guinea pig's pen when you are pregnant?
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Are pregnant women safe around guinea pigs?

yes the pig will not harm them .

Is calendula safe for guinea pigs to eat?

Calendula is a type of leaf and flower. Calendula is considered to be a safe food for guinea pigs to eat.

Is it safe for guinea pigs to eat marigolds?

Guinea Pigs can not eat Marsh Marigolds (Cow Slip)

What vegetables are not safe for guinea pigs?

Potatoes and Raw beans are poisonous vegetables for Guinea Pigs.

Do guinea pigs get sick while they are pregnant?

It all depends on the guinea-pig. I would advise you strongly to take your guinea-pig to your local vet to be on the safe side. Check your libary for Guinea-pig books and search the net aswell x

Is it safe for guinea pigs to eat fertilized grass and dandelions?

No! The fertilizer is toxic and can harm the guinea pig.

Is it safe for children to play with guinea pigs?

Usually guinea pigs are very social animals, so it should be fine, provided the children are playing gentle and being careful. If they are very young they should be supervised or helped with the guinea pigs.

Is natural finish wood safe for guinea pigs?

only if you disinfect it first

Is pyrethrin shampoo safe for use on guinea pigs?

you dont really need to give them shampoo. they clean themselves. they just prefer a dip in some water, about up to their ankles.

Is it safe for guinea pigs to eat silverbeet?

Silverbeet is a definite no for guinea-pigs, unless you fancy indigestion and LOTS of poo. Anyway, guinea-pigs are very smart (a lot of my friends disagree with that) and will normally reject anything poisonous to them.

How long can a healthy and safe guinea pig live for?

guinea pigs live 4 to 7 years, if your guinea pig is healthy and safe it can live up to 8 or even 9 years!

Can you put two pregnant guinea pigs in the same pen?

Two guinea pigs can usually live together fine. I have two males, and I have a friend who has two females. They will fight sometimes, but nothing life threatening. They also enjoy the company!