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it depends on the substance

If the freezer has been in working order and the freezer is pretty full, a power outage of 4 hours should not be a problem as long as the freezer is not opened. Ice cream may get soft, but everything else should be OK. Consider how long it takes one item to thaw if you leave it on the counter - and that's at room temperature. The freezer box is insulated so the air temperature in the freezer should not rise rapidly.

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Yes, meat should be safe to use after being frozen 4 months.

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Q: Is it safe to eat a frozen dinner that was in a freezer that lost power for 4 hours?
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How long will an unopened freezer keep foods frozen if there is a power outage?

In the event of a power outage, food can remain frozen for several days in an unopened freezer. When the power returns, it is important to inspect the foods for spoilage before eating them.

How long for freezer to hold it's temperature after power out?

Your freezer will stay frozen for several hours after a power outage. So will the contents. If the power is restored within 24 to 48 hrs the food should be okay. Edit: Actually, when our power was out after a hurricane, our deep freezer stayed almost completely frozen for five days. When the power came back on and we opened it, only a few things on the very top had thawed and had to be thrown out. It all depends on time of year, the size of the freezer, and how full it is. A full freezer will keep everything frozen for longer than a near empty or half full one. And a large deep freezer will keep everything good far longer than the small freezer attached to a fridge. --estherbeth

Freezer was turned off by mistake twice.What happens if you freeze meat twice can I get samonella when you go cook it is it safe to eat?

If the contents of the freezer have thawed out - EVEN ONCE - because it was turned off our there was a power cut, then the food IS NOT SAFE TO EAT and should be thrown out. However if the contents remained frozen (the freezer will stay cold for a few hours) then the food should be OK.

Is a 6 year old frozen turkey any good?

It's a bit "iffy" for a couple of reasons. Many "fresh" turkeys are actually frozen on their way to your local supermarket, and freezing, thawing and then refreezing foods without cooking destroys the taste and texture of the food. If you bought this "fresh" at the supermarket and you're sure it wasn't previously frozen, how long before the "due date" did you freeze it? A freezer doesn't stop time, it just extends the time it takes food to go bad. If you froze it on the "due date" you are asking for trouble. If the "due date" was still a week or two away, the turkey should be okay, with a couple of exceptions. The colder your freezer is, the longer stored meats will last. if your freezer is set to 20 degrees F, then a turkey will probably stay reasonably edible for six months. If your freezer is set for zero degrees F, you should be okay for a year. Another exception is power outages, especially power outages lasting a 12 hours or more. The meat in a freezer during a power outage will stay frozen for a day or so, but the sooner you cook it afterwards, the better. How cold is your freezer? When was it frozen before the due date?

How do you help refrigerator stay cold during power outage?

Try not to open the door too often, this is the same with the freezer, if you leave the freezer door shut, the goods will stay frozen longer than you think,

How do you thaw a frozen automobile power window?

put it in a heated garage for a couple of hours

Give you a sentence with the word though?

You can keep meat frozen in the freezer for months, though it is possible that it could thaw out if there was a power outage for a long period of time.

You were without power for 14 hours Food in freezer thawed and now refrozen Can you eat it?

The food in the freezer might still be OK. The food in the refrigerator is a different story. If potentially hazardous items like meat and milk have reached temperatures over 40°F for more than 2 hours, you really should discard them.

Why won't freezer run after being stored 2 years in damp area?

If the freezer was working before, the problem may be:1.) The water/moisture could have disrupted the power cord2.) Water and moisture can act as insulators, causing the freezer to freeze over (It doesn't sound right, but don't worry, it is possible)3.) It could have been running the entire time, and short circuitedI suggest you try replacing the power cord, or any parts of the freezer that may have been water damaged, or became frozen. However, freezer parts can be relatibely expensive, so buying a new freezer may be the safest way to go.

Will homeowners insurance cover power failure?

It depends on the cause of the power failure and the loss you suffer. For instance, if a storm causes the power failure, and it stays out for 3 days whereby your freezer defrosts causing a side of beef and food to ruin that you paid $1200 for, then yes you would have coverage. If the power goes out for 3 hours and the freezer did not defrost and you had no loss then there would be no need as no loss occurred.

Can I get a small freezer for a vacation cabin?

You can get a small freezer, but make sure your cabin has a good supply of power.

How long can frozen foods be NOT frozen and still edible?

If you mean that (for instance) your freezer has broken and you want to know how long frozen food can be kept without power to the freezer. Then that really depends on much frozen food have in your freezer, how big it is, if you keep the lid shut would be unsafe and unwise to advise you on exact times for this - but rule of thumb the more items you have the longer the core temperature will remain low enough to keep your food safe (they insulate each other)! Check out this to see advise if your freezer breaks: However once it is defrosted you need to treat the items as if they are fresh. Seafood and meat should be kept refrigerated and only kept for 2 days absolute max. Vegetables and herbs may last a little longer, but all products should ideally be used straight away to get the freshest taste and to ensure safety. Heres some more specific guidelines on defrosting times: