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According to information found in airline magazines, flying can contribute to the risk of DVT or deep vein thrombosis. Any sedentary state such as a long car or train ride can have similar risks. Exercises in your seat and getting up to walk around every so often can help. Medical tourism, that is traveling for the purpose of medical care, is on the rise from 500,000 US residents who traveled outside the US for medical care in 2007. Often far less expensive, patients who do their homework can see considerable savings without sacrificing quality care. Specialty insurance that covers Accidents, Sickness, Complications of Surgery and other valuable benefits is available for medical tourists whether they have major medical health insurance or not - so if you are medical tourist and a victim of DVT, there's coverage available that can help.

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Q: Is it safe to fly before surgery?
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I believe so, I have to fly and get my surgery done and was told that I can fly back home the day after.

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