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Anything unatural shouldn't be considered safe. You can give him "Gain powder" but i suggest you visit your MD before doing so.

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Q: Is it safe to give weight gain powder to a 12 year old boy to gain weight?
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Is it safe to take Accumass weight gain capsules and granules?

Yes, you can use Accumass Ayurvedic weight gainer powder & capsules as they are truly based on potent and sophisticated herbs that are safe to use. Accumass Ayurvedic weight gain powder contains the time tested herbs such as Ashwaghanda, Shatavari, maricha. Pippali, Amalaki, mushli et.c which are well known for their properties. These herbs are used from ancient times and don't possess any adversity and side effect. Accumass Ayurvedic weight gain granules and capsules are one of the best mass gainer supplements and Ayurvedic medicines available for weight gain which work synergistically to increase body weight and muscle strength.

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Well first of all you should check with your doctor if its safe to gain weight, and then if your doctor says its ok you can follow this guide

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it is absolutely safe, I've been taking them together for years. it really helps with the huge weight gain that seroquel is known for.

What is a safe and healthy amount of weight gain during a normal pregnancy?

I've had 2 babies and my doctor always told me that if a person is a normal weight, the weight gain should be between 25 and 35 pounds. A little more if you're underweight and a little less if you're overweight. But please keep in mind that everone is different and no amount of weight gain is "wrong".

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yes, there are many diets you can do, but you are not going to keep the weight off. so, a quick diet plan is not going to be healthy or safe, and you will gain the weight back.

How can son put on weight fast What is a safe and good way to do so?

The only best way to gain weight is to consume more healthy calories. Foods which can help to gain weight are: Rice, potatoes, cola drinks, junk foods, and in fruits banana, mango with milk can help a lot to gain weight. The boy should sleep for more than ten hours or so. You will see dramatic increase in weight after couple of weeks.

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It is safe for a woman to take kickboxing up but it can also become dangerous. Kickboxing can help a woman to lose weight and gain muscle. However, if a woman is in a competition and gets hurt then it is not safe.

Is a 500 calorie diet really safe?

No a 500 calories diet is not that really that safe as most doctor's say that a person needs at least 1200 calories a day. And after you go off this diet you will over eat and gain the weight back and more weight.